
Pronouncing the Tr Sound
Use a word that contains the sound "tr" in creating 2 or more sentences.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Use a word that contains the sound "tr" in creating 2 or more sentences.

There is a big tree.
If you put it a paper written your wish, the wish come true.


There is a big tree.
If you put a paper written with a wish on it, the wish comes true.

1. This is a more concise word structure for a definitive sentence
Use a different word that contains "tr" for each sentence that you will create. Try to write at least 2 or more sentences.

In 31, October , people say "trick or treet".
If you didn't give them sweets , you are tricked.


On 31 October, people say "trick or treat".
If you don't give them sweets, you may be tricked.

1. Correct preposition of time to use here.
2. Correct spelling.
3. Change your verb form to fix the agreement mistake here.
4. This is a more concise word structure for a definitive sentence
Write a sentence using one of the following words:
"betray", "control", "treat", transfer"

I'm detrayed from him.


I was betrayed by him.

1. This is a more concise word structure for a definitive sentence
Write a sentence using one of the following words:
"entrance", "extra", "abstract", "true"

It's too abstract to understand.


It's too abstract to understand.

1. Great work, you can also say 'complex'
Do you think it is difficult for you to pronounce the sound of "tr"? If it is, why do you think so? If not, as a challenge, write a sentence using many words that contain "tr".

Once upon a time, there were a big tree on the mountain. If you wrote your wish on it, the wish come true.
However , if the wish is abstract, it doesn't come true.


Once upon a time, there was a big tree on the mountain. If you wrote your wish on it, the wish would come true.
However, if the wish is abstract, it doesn't come true.

1. Make use of the past tense verb here to show that you are talking about something that happened in the past
2. Change your verb form to fix the agreement mistake here.
  • travel(旅行)
  • trouble(問題)
  • trip(旅行)
  • tree(木)
  • country(国)
  • Do you have any tips?(コツはありますか?)
  • He has traveled to a lot of countries.(彼は多くの国を旅してきました。)
  • Look at that tree.(あの木を見てください。)
  • How do you pronounce the "TR" sound?(TRはどのように発音しますか?)
  • Please give me a word that uses "TR".(TRがある単語を教えてください。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 発音練習動画