
Negotiating prices
I can't go any lower than this.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
I can't go any lower than this.

I see, but the price you offered is still much too expensive for the Japanese market. It will be very difficult to sell these products if you don't give us a bigger discount. Although I know the specification of your products is really high compared to the others, I cannot recommend them with this price.


I see, but the price you offered is still much too high for the Japanese market. It will be very difficult to sell these products if you don't give us a bigger discount. Although I know the specification of your products is really high compared to the others, I cannot recommend them with this price.

1. This adjective suits the context more.
I'm afraid I can't do it. I'm unable to offer discounts this time because I charge what I believe to be a fair price for the products, no less, no more. The cost of the materials has skyrocketed in recent months.

I understand your [concerns/points], but I don't think that it is a good idea to miss the Japanese market. Usually, many Japanese prefer Japanese products to foreign ones. However, the Japanese market is finally more open to imports and puts more emphasis on high specifications and costs. The first stage is very important to have an impact on the market.


I understand your point, but I don't think that it is a good idea to miss the Japanese market. Usually, many Japanese prefer Japanese products to foreign ones. However, the Japanese market is finally more open to imports and puts more emphasis on high specifications and costs. The first stage is very important to have an impact on the market.

1. This word is more suitable, considering the Teacher's response.
2. Here's a simpler alternative: ''emphasizes''
Okay then, I do understand your point of view. How about we meet in the middle. I will charge a bit more, but it won't hurt your budget.

Actually, we were planning to buy only 1 box before this discussion; however, if you could lower the price some more, we will purchase 5 boxes for the trial. After that, we'll discuss the future cost after we evaluate the sales of the first 5 boxes in the Japanese market. What do you think about this plan?


Actually, we were planning to buy only one box before this discussion; however, if you could lower the price some more, we will purchase five boxes for the trial. After that, we'll discuss the future cost after we evaluate the sales of the first five boxes in the Japanese market. What do you think about this plan?

1. 2. and 3. It would be better to spell out the number.
  • commercial(商業の)
  • bargaining(交渉、取引、値切ること)
  • haggle(値切る、値切ること)
  • sticker(ステッカー、広告ビラ)
  • promotion(プロモーション)
  • broker(仲介業者、ブローカー)
  • wholesale(卸売り、卸売の)
  • retail(小売り)
  • resale(再販売、転売)
  • agent(代理業者、代理店)
  • If word of this deal gets out, I'll be in trouble.(この取引が公表されてしまったら、私はトラブルになります。)
  • This offer is 40% off the sticker price.(今回のご提案は、表示価格から40%オフになっています。)
  • These products are nearing their expiration date so I'll give you a huge discount if you take them off my hands.(これらの製品は使用期限が近づいているので、もしあなたが引き取ってくれるなら、大幅な割引を提供しますよ。)
  • I'm authorized to give you a seasonal discount for the next three months.(この先の3ヶ月間、あなたに季節割引を提供することを許可されています。)
  • If I lower the price any further, I'll be losing money.(これ以上価格を下げると赤字になってしまいます。)
  • We're giving this discount to all of our loyal customers.(いつもご愛顧いただいているお客様には、このような割引をさせていただいております。)
  • You drive a hard bargain.(あなたはいつもひどく値切りますね。)
  • It's fun haggling over prices with you every month.(毎月、あなたと価格交渉をするのは楽しいです。)
  • This is my rock bottom price.(これが底値です。)
  • I'll give you more of a discount if you double your order.(2倍の注文をしてくれれば、もっと安くしますよ。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 交渉
  • 部門:購買