
Consulting a lawyer about a pending legal case
Let's begin by reviewing the case.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Let's begin by reviewing the case.

Sure. The facts of the case are these: One of the girl singers who belong to our talent agency went away with her boyfriend the day before yesterday. She skipped her scheduled stage at ABC hall that night. In result, the manager of the hall claimed $10,000 for damages against our company yesterday. That's how it is. Are there any questions?


Sure. The facts of the case are these; one of the girl singers who belong to our talent agency went away with her boyfriend the day before yesterday. She skipped her scheduled stage at ABC hall that night. As a result, the manager of the hall claimed $10,000 for damages against our company yesterday. That's the situation.

What was the reason for the manager to claim $10,000 for damages? How can he justify that amount?

According to his claim, it includes that a payback of the contact fee with our company $ 5,000, the performance fee of the comedians who were on a sudden called instead of our singer, that's $ 3,000 and the rest is the compensation for bringing his hall into disrepute. Those fees amount to $ 10,000. That's his claim.


According to his claim, it is the pay-back of the contact fee with our company for $ 5,000, the performance fee of the comedians who were suddenly called to replace our singer, that's the $ 3,000 and the rest is the compensation for ruining the reputation of the hall. Those fees amount to $ 10,000. That's his claim.

I understand. This could be a tough case. Where is the girl singer now? Do you have a copy of the contract for the performance at ABC hall?

Unfortunately, we don't have a clue where she is now. We've secretly asked a private detective to search out and take her back. I've trembled all over with hatred of her. Yes, of course we have a principle of keeping copies at least for 3 years just in case. Rethinking of his claim, the performance fee of the comedians is not our business, is it?


Unfortunately, we don't have a clue where she is. We've secretly asked a private detective to find her. I am very upset with her. Yes, we keep copies of the contracts for at least for 3 years. I don't think the claim for the performers fees should be our responsibility, should it?

  • statutory(法定の)
  • defendant(被告)
  • injunction(差し止め命令)
  • malfeasance(違法行為)
  • negligence(過失)
  • testimony(証言)
  • jurisprudence(法学)
  • plaintiff(原告)
  • litigation(訴訟)
  • lawsuit(訴訟)
  • This lawsuit, if publicized, will damage the reputation of this company even if we prevail in court.(この訴訟が公表されれば、当社が裁判で勝訴してもこの会社の評判を落とすことになります。)
  • Do we have any viable defense in this pending tort case?(この係争中の不法行為の訴訟において、我々には実行可能な防御手段があるのだろうか?)
  • An injunction, even a temporary one, will mean certain death for this company.(差し止め命令は、たとえ一時的なものであっても、この会社にとっては確実に死を意味します。)
  • Does the plaintiff have any legal basis for his actions?(原告は、彼の訴訟において何か法的根拠がありますか?)
  • I want you to use any means possible to stifle this threat of a class action suit before it gains any momentum.(この集団訴訟の脅威が勢いを増す前に、どんな手段を使ってでも阻止してほしい。)
  • What do you think about countersuit?(あなたは対抗訴訟についてどう思いますか?)
  • This ongoing litigation is sapping the life out of the company.(この進行中の訴訟は、その会社から活力を奪っている。)
  • Do you think we should settle out of court?(あなたは私たちは法廷外で和解すべきだと思いますか?)
  • I want the plaintiff punished for filing this frivolous lawsuit.(私は、この根拠のない訴訟を起こしたことに対し原告が罰せられて欲しいと思っています。)
  • Is the plaintiff asking for any punitive damages?(原告は懲罰的損害賠償を求めていますか?)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • ミーティング
  • 交渉
  • 議論する
  • 部門:法務