
Explaining the hierarchical structure of the company
Can you tell me about the company's chain of command?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Can you tell me about the company's chain of command?

Okay. Our CEO is Bito who is the top of our company. There are five directors including the CEO in our company. They make a decision about important items. There is headquarters and three branches which are the east branch, central branch and east branch. We belong the central branch as you know.


Okay. Our CEO is Bito who is the top of our company. There are five directors, including the CEO, in our company. They make a decision about important items. There is a headquarters and three branches which are the east branch, central branch and west branch. We belong to the central branch as you know.

So, what is your position in your branch? What is the nature of your company's business? How long have you been working in the Central Branch?

There are 3 divisions in the Central Branch, and we are in the Corporate Sales Department. I'm one of the section manager in the Corporate Sales Department. Our products are electrical devices like a mobile phone. I'm working 5 years in there. You are my new subordinate, and my team members are 6 including you.


There are 3 divisions in the Central Branch, and we are in the Corporate Sales Department. I'm one of the section managers in the Corporate Sales Department. Our products are electrical devices like a mobile phone. I've been working for 5 years there. You are my new subordinate, and my team members are 6, including you.

Thank you so much for this detailed explanation.Will you tell me about my task in the team, please?

I'll have you are in charge of sales in several companies. You should have to be took over from the previous person. Let's go to greet the customers with me next week.


I'll have you in charge of sales in several companies. You shall have to take over from the previous person. Let's go to greet the customers together next week.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. May I review the files from your previous employee who was working at my position? I want to familiarize with this job position. And I would love to greet the customers with you. Where are we going to greet them?

Okay, I will send the documents to you by email soon. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Your customers are ABC company and DEF company. In addition, you have to turn in companies which is built in Gifu prefecture.


Okay, I will send the documents to you by email soon. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Your customers are ABC company and DEF company. In addition, you have to turn in companies which are built in Gifu prefecture.

Thank you so much. I appreciate your help. Do I need to prepare anything special for the meeting with the customers for the next week?

You have to look over the documents of these companies. You should got your business card from general affairs. Are you alright?


You have to look over the documents of these companies. You should get your business card from general affairs. Are you alright?

  • superior(目上の人、上司)
  • bureaucracy(官僚組織)
  • pyramid(ピラミッド構造)
  • subordinate(下位の、部下の、従属する人)
  • apex(頂点、先端)
  • latitude(自由裁量)
  • matrix(母体、土台)
  • governance(管理、支配)
  • ranking(ランキング、最高位の、一流の)
  • militaristic(軍国主義の)
  • This company will never get better because all information flows downhill.(すべての情報が下に流れてしまうため、この会社は決して良くなることはないでしょう。)
  • Production and morale went through the roof when the new CEO turned the hierarchical pyramid on its head.(新しいCEOが階層ピラミッドのヘッドになった時、生産性と士気が急激に高くなった。)
  • If you want to stay out of trouble, know who your bosses are and do whatever they ask you to.(トラブルに巻き込まれないためには、自分の上司が誰であるかを知り、頼まれたことは何でもやることです。)
  • The company is slowly moving toward giving employees more latitude and flexibility in the workplace.(会社は、従業員に職場での自由と柔軟性を与える方向に少しずつ進んでいます。)
  • Everyone's happy because the CEO is a benevolent despot.(CEOが慈悲深い専制君主であるため、皆が幸せなのです。)
  • This company has a highly regimented organizational structure.(この会社は非常に厳格な管理された組織構造を有している。)
  • The changing organizational structure gives us more ownership of the company.(組織体制が変わることで、よりオーナーシップを感じられるようになりました。)
  • In this company, it is critical that you don't rock the boat.(この会社では、波風を立てないことが重要です。)
  • The company is finally realizing that employees will work harder and smarter if they are empowered.(会社はようやく、従業員が権限を与えられれば、より熱心に、より賢く働くことができると気付いたのです。)
  • Make sure that you don't forget your place in the pecking order.(自分の立場を忘れないようにしてください。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 説明/釈明
  • 部門:法務