
Apologizing for being late
You are late! What happened?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
You are late! What happened?

I apologize for the delay. Actually, the train was delayed because of the accident. I was not able to change the train because there is no other route. I'm so sorry.


I apologize for the delay. Actually, the train was delayed because of the accident. I was not able to change the train because there was no other route. I'm so sorry.

1. Use the Simple Past Tense ("was") to talk about a past event and achieve the correct tense sequence: "I was unable to do it because there was no.." ("I'm unable to do it because there is no..")
Even in the subway, accidents do happen. What was it; did a train derail and arrive late to the station?

The station staff said that the traffic lights did not work. There were so many people on the platform and it was dangerous to stay there. So I went to a cafe and sent an e-mail to the boss and worked on a task for a while.


The station staff said that the traffic lights did not work. There were so many people on the platform, and it was dangerous to stay there. So I went to a cafe and sent an e-mail to the boss and worked on a task for a while.

1. When a conjunction ("and") joins two independent clauses (can stand alone as sentences), place a comma before it.
I'm all too familiar with train delays. Sometimes in the winter it would be snow, or ice on track. Delays were always 45 minutes up to an hour. Going to the cafe was a good idea. When everyone is late waiting on the train, then the crowd can get angsty. Some people just get drunk. Did the boss ever get back to you? What did he say?

Train delay in winter is tiring. Waiting on a cold platform is disgusting.
He is so kind that she care about if I am in a safe place. She agreed with staying in a cafe and she did not blame me.


Train delay in winter is tiring. Waiting on a cold platform is disgusting.
She is so kind that she cares about if I am in a safe place. She agreed to my staying in the cafe, and she did not blame me.

1. Good job! Your usage of this adjective is grammatically correct, but you can also use "uncomfortable."
2. The proper spelling of the pronoun is "She."
3. Use the singular verb "cares" because your subject ("she") is singular. ("They're so attentive that they care about..")
4. Add the phrase "to my" to complete your sentence. ("to agree to something;" "to agree to someone doing something")
5. Use the definite article "the" to introduce the noun "cafe" (specific).
6. When a conjunction ("and") joins two independent clauses (can stand alone as sentences), place a comma before it.
It's like an unwritten rule. If it's cold and icy outside and you get to work late, or home late, the only comfort is in knowing that you're not the only one. How else can we manage when dealing with something that is beyond out control?

Since I'm a clumsy person, I have dealt with something that is beyond out control so many times. What I value in these occasion is apology and do the best I can. One day, I had lunch at a restaurant and tried to pay. I found that I had left my wallet in my house. I used my all knowledge. First, apologized politely. Then, I asked the waiter if I can go back home to bring my wallet leaving my smartphone and student card in the restaurant. The waiter laughed a little bit and he forgave me.


Since I'm a clumsy person, I have dealt with something that is beyond my control so many times. What I value on these occasions is an apology and doing the best I can. One day, I had lunch at a restaurant and tried to pay. I found that I had left my wallet at my house. I used all my knowledge. First, I apologized politely. Then, I asked the waiter if I could go back home to bring my wallet, leaving my smartphone and student card in the restaurant. The waiter laughed a little bit, and he forgave me.

1. Use the pronoun "my" in the phrase "(to be) beyond one's control." ("That is beyond his control.")
2. Use the preposition "on" in the phrase "on an/these/etc. occasion(s)."
3. Use the plural noun "occasions" to talk about more than one occasion. ("on this occasion;" "on these occasions")
4. Use the indefinite article "an" to introduce the noun "apology" (non-specific, starts with a vowel).
5. The proper spelling is "doing." ("to value (doing) something")
6. Use the preposition "at" in the phrase "to leave something at one's house/apartment/etc." ("She left her bag at her apartment.")
7. Place the possessive pronoun "my" before "knowledge" in the phrase "all (of) one's knowledge." ("She brushed up on all (of) her knowledge.")
8. Add the pronoun "I" (subject) to complete your sentence.
9. Use the verb "could" instead of "can." ("I asked if I could.." "I ask if I can..")
10. Place a comma before the parenthetical (non-essential) element ("leaving my smartphone and student card in the restaurant") in your sentence.
11. When a conjunction ("and") joins two independent clauses (can stand alone as sentences), place a comma before it.
Since you provided collateral, the waiter had some trust in you. Today I was late for my meeting because I underestimated the traffic. As soon as I arrived, I apologized, and told them I would arrive much earlier from then on. I am usually not late. Was there ever a time you were late to an event?

I was late for an appointment this week. I rarely drive but I had to drive there on that day. Since the place was mountainous, I drove carefully and I was late for the appointment. However, the host knew the rough road and understood me. I apologized so much and she forgave me and even cared about me.


I was late for an appointment this week. I rarely drive, but I had to drive there on that day. Since the place was mountainous, I drove carefully, and I was late for the appointment. However, the host knew the rough road and understood me. I apologized so much, and she forgave me and even cared about me.

1. When a conjunction ("but") joins two independent clauses (can stand alone as sentences), place a comma before it.
2. When a conjunction ("and") joins two independent clauses (can stand alone as sentences), place a comma before it.
3. Refer to correction #2.
  • consequently(その結果として)
  • terrible stomach ache(ひどい胃痛)
  • try not to have any accidents(事故にならないように)
  • snowstorm(吹雪)
  • Without telling me(私に言うことなく)
  • waste your time(あなたの時間を無駄にする)
  • Beyond your control (あなたのコントロール(管理)を越えて)
  • Didn't you say that it would start at 9:30?(9:30に始まると言っていなかったか?)
  • Please try not to take too long.(長くかかりすぎないようにして下さい。)
  • If that's the case, maybe it would be better if we took an extra day to plan things.(それならば、1日余分に時間をとって計画を立てたほうがいいのではないか。)
  • Even though you came a bit later than expected, there's still plenty of food left.(予定より少し遅れて来たにもかかわらず、食べ物はまだたくさん残っています。)
  • It's my fault.(それは私のせいです。)
  • I will try not to be late next time.(次回は遅れないようにします。)
  • You should have called us before the meeting to let us know that you would be late.(会議の前に遅れることを連絡すべきだったと思います。)
  • The call was from the client.(その電話はお客様からのものでした。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • ミーティング
  • 内定者研修
  • 新入社員研修
  • 感謝/謝罪する
  • 謝罪する