
Negotiating a business contract with another company
Did you have a chance to review the contract?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Did you have a chance to review the contract?

Yes, I did. However, I found that there had been some misunderstandings between us. For, instance appendix 1 of the contract, we put the documents you need to provide us to obtain permissions from the related authorities for using your container in Japan, but you deleted all of the descriptions for the documents. From that, we are concerned that you cannot prepare those documents. We decided to make a deal with your company, assuming that we can use your container in the country. If not, we need to look for another company to meet our expectation.


Yes, I did. However, I found that there were some misunderstandings between us. For, instance in Appendix 1 of the contract, we put the documents you need to provide us to obtain permission from the related authorities for using your container in Japan, but you deleted all of the descriptions for the documents. From that, we are concerned that you cannot prepare those documents. We decided to make a deal with your company, assuming that we can use your container in the country. If not, we need to look for another company to meet our expectations.

1 - it's simpler to put this verb in the past since you started the sentence in the past
2 - add 'in' to refer to where you found misunderstandings
3 - this word has no plural form
4 - should be plural because you're referring to expectations in general.
I see. I will discuss that part of the contract with my colleagues and inform you why they have been deleted. Is there anything else that you want to point out?

OK. Now we can return your modification to our original one. On the other hand, I am concerned about the payment terms. The terms have been defined in an internal company policy, 90 days after an invoice is issued. However, you insist on 120 days. So, we would like to propose 100 days as an alternative one. Does it work for you?


OK. Now we can return your modification to our original one. On the other hand, I am concerned about the payment terms. The terms have been defined in an internal company policy, 90 days after an invoice is issued. However, you insist on 120 days. So, we would like to propose 100 days as an alternative   . Does it work for you?

1 - there's no need to say this.
I can suggest it to my colleagues and my boss. I am sure that we can compromise. I believe that we can change that part of the contract for both of our convenience.

Thank you for your understanding. I also need to repost today's outcome to my boss, so would it be possible to let me know your expectation when you get your boss's agreement on this matter? It will be highly helpful for me.


Thank you for    understanding. I also need to repost today's outcome to my boss, so would it be possible to let me know your expectation when you get your boss's agreement on this matter? It will be highly helpful for me.

1 - there's no need to say 'your' here
I can't inform you today. I still need to organize a meeting to discuss it. You can expect to hear back from me tomorrow.

Here is my business card. It contains my e-mail and phone number. Whenever you need to contact me, just send a message to the email address or call the number on the card.


Here is my business card. It contains my e-mail and phone number. Whenever you need to contact me, just send a message to the email address or call the number on the card.

Good. You have written well here.
  • provision(条項)
  • arbitration(調停、仲裁)
  • acquisition(買収)
  • dispute(議論、論争)
  • boilerplate(決まり文句、常用文)
  • party(当事者)
  • disclaimer(免責条項)
  • breach(不履行)
  • anticipatory(先行の)
  • renewal(更新)
  • Will you accept my electronic signature?(電子署名はお受け頂けますか?)
  • We need to craft a better contract to avoid potential litigation in the future.(将来、訴訟に発展しないよう、より良い契約書を作成する必要があります。)
  • This lacks any details regarding what would happen in case of breach of contract.(これでは、契約違反の場合に何が起こるのか、詳細がわかりません。)
  • Under what conditions can this contract be terminated?(この契約はどのような条件で解除されるのですか?)
  • All fields need to be filled out before this contract can be put into effect.(全ての項目が記入されていないと、この契約は有効になりません。)
  • Your cut of the profits is too high considering the level of risk that my company is taking.(私の会社が取っているリスクのレベルを考えると、あなたの利益分配率は高すぎます。)
  • Are you comfortable with this confidentiality clause?(この機密保持条項について心配はありませんか?)
  • It's imperative that details of our business partnership aren't made public.(我々の業務提携の詳細は公開されてはいけません。)
  • Although the final draft is under review, are you okay with the verbal agreement?(最終草案は検討中ではありますが、口頭での合意については大丈夫ですか?)
  • We need to agree on this clause regarding liquidated damages before I can sign the contract.(私が契約書にサインする前に、我々は損害賠償に関する条項に同意する必要があります。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 交渉
  • 部門:営業