
Notifying a client that his payment is overdue
Good morning.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hello, ABC Company. What can I do for you?

Good morning.
This is Daisuke at BT Company.
May I have an person in charge of bank transfer in the accounting department?


Good morning. This is Daisuke of BT Company. May I talk to the person in charge for the bank transfer in the accounting department?

Sure, I will get you to line 4. Just for a moment.

Hello, This is Daisuke at BT company. May I ask... about your payment.
Regarding the our records, we haven't received the bill that over due 2 months.
Could you please check your records?


Hello. This is Daisuke of BT company. May I ask about your payment? With regards to our records, we haven't receive any bill which is due 2 months ago. Could you please check your records?

yes, I will Check them in a second Daisuke san.

Thank you very much.


Thank you very much.

  • debt(借金)
  • incur([費用などを]負担する)
  • unsettled(未決済の)
  • tarnish([評判などを]傷つける)
  • payable(支払可能な、支払うべき)
  • punctual(約束の時間を厳守する)
  • forfeit(違約金、追徴金)
  • delinquent(滞納者、滞納している)
  • outstanding(傑出した)
  • precedent(前例、前の)
  • Since you are such a loyal client, I will waive all late fees but need your assurance that your payment will be made by this afternoon.(あなたはとても忠実なお客様なので、延滞料はすべて免除しますが、今日の午後までに支払いを済ませることを確約してください。)
  • Please make your payment immediately to avoid an interruption of service.(サービスの中断を避けるため、すぐにお支払いください。)
  • Your consistently late payments will tarnish our working relationship unless you can assure us that they will never happen again.(常に支払いが遅れることは、二度と起こらないと断言できない限り、私たちの仕事上の関係に傷をつけることになります。)
  • I have no other choice but to stop all deliveries to your company.(御社への配送をすべて止めること以外の選択肢がありません。)
  • Would you like to set up an automatic payment plan to prevent this from happening again?(このようなことが二度と起こらないように、自動支払プランを設定したいと思いますか?)
  • If your company can't make the full payment at this time, how much of a partial payment can you make?(もしあなたの会社がこの時点で全額支払い出来ない場合、どの程度なら部分的な支払を行うことができますか?)
  • I'm going to assume that this was just an oversight on your part.(私は、これはあなたの単なる見落としだと思います。)
  • Your late fee will be reflected on your next billing statement.(延滞料はあなたの次の請求書に反映されます。)
  • I'm meeting with you today because our past efforts to receive payment from your company have been unsuccessful.(私が今日お会いするのは、これまで貴社からの支払いを受けるための努力が実を結ばなかったからです。)
  • I'll overlook this for now since I know that your company is going through some hard times.(あなたの会社が困難な時期を経験している最中であることを知っているので、私は今のところこれについては目をつぶります。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 交渉
  • 部門:経理