
Explain a medical treatment you disire
What kind of treatment do you desire?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What kind of treatment do you desire?

I desire taking the medicine for treatment of my intercostal neuralgia.


I desire    the medicine for treatment of my intercostal neuralgia.

1. The verb "desire" is generally followed by a noun phrase.
I see. Some symptoms of intercostal neuralgia resolve themselves without taking any treatment. Please, describe the pain you feel lately so that I recommend the right treatment for you.

Thank you. The pain continue stably. It's like tingling. Sometimes, I cannot bear with the pain. I had Panadore wihch is famous medicine as a painkiller in Singapore but the pain still exsists.


Thank you. The tingling pain is consistent. Sometimes, I cannot bear with the pain. I had Panadore which is a famous painkiller in Singapore but the pain still exists.

1. This is more accurate and meaningful.
2. 4. This is the accurate spelling.
3. This is simpler and more accurate.
Well, if you are looking for a treatment to relieve the pain, I recommend capsaicin cream. You can also try NSAIDs. These are Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Have you ever tried them before?

I prefer to try NSAIDs. If the pain will not reduce with it, how should I do?


I prefer to try NSAIDs. If the pain will not reduce with it, what should I do?

1. This is more accurate. We use "how" when we're asking about a method of doing something.
That's alright. I will prescribe you some ibuprofen tablets. If those fail to work, we can try intercostal nerve blocks. These are injections of a local anesthetic given around the affected intercostal nerves.

Noted, thank you so much.


Noted, thank you so much.

1. An alternate phrase you can use here is "I understand".

Well done, enjoy your speaking lesson!
  • medicine(薬)
  • surgery(手術)
  • suffer from ~(~で苦しむ)
  • be worried about ~(~が心配)
  • pain(痛み)
  • I am suffering from pain.(痛みで苦しんでいます。)
  • What options do I have?(どのような選択肢がありますか?)
  • I want to avoid surgery if possible.(可能であれば手術は避けたいです。)
  • I am worried about the treatment costs.(治療費が心配です。)
  • Only a little bit of medicine is necessary.(クスリが少し必要なだけです。)


  • 日常
  • 上級
  • シーンリクエスト
  • 病院
  • 説明する