
Submitting a draft budget report to your boss
Thank you for working so hard on this.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Thank you for working so hard on this.

You are welcome, boss. This is our R&D budget for next fiscal year. There are not big changes compared to usual. However, there is one point to worry about.


You are welcome, boss. This is our R&D budget for next fiscal year. There are no big changes compared to usual. However, there is one point to worry about.

1. It is more common to use this form of the phrase.
Oh really. What point is problematic? Is there any way we will be able to cope with the issue at hand?

Well, the pandemic don't affect our business as our business is for public infrastracture.
By the way, the budget for long term researches seems decreasing year by year. I think it is an investment for our future. Since each section manager tends to be in a hurry to produce results, projects for short term are increasing.


Well, the pandemic doesn't affect our business as our business is for public infrastracture.
By the way, the budget for long term researches seems to be decreasing year by year. I think it is an investment for our future. Since each section manager tends to be in a hurry to produce results, projects for short term are increasing.

1. We need the third person singular verb form after "pandemic".
2. These words were needed for your sentence to be complete.
Oh, I see. It's good to know that sections managers are about producing results. How easy is it to get short-term projects?

That sounds like a good question. It is important for our managers to recognize this fact. It is also important to inform them that we will assign budget to long term project. I will prepare the materials for the next strategy meeting, if you want.


That sounds like a good question. It is important for our managers to recognize this fact. It is also important to inform them that we will assign budget to long-term project. I will prepare the materials for the next strategy meeting, if you want.

1. When used as an adjective, this phrase is written with a hyphen (-).
  • extrapolate(推定する)
  • quantitative(定量的な)
  • projected(計画された、予測される)
  • revenue(〔企業などの〕収益、収入)
  • measurable(測定できる、かなり重要な)
  • volume(体積、多量)
  • expenditure(出費、支出すること)
  • collateral(担保(物件))
  • capital(資源、資本)
  • narrative(話術、語り口)
  • The budget that I prepared will be rendered useless if the numbers given to me are inaccurate.(せっかく作成した予算も、渡された数字が不正確では意味がありません。)
  • If these numbers are accurate, we are in good shape to purchase new equipment this year.(これらの数値が正確であるならば、今年は新しい設備を購入するのに良い経営状態になっています。)
  • This draft takes into account the possibility that we may need to double our maintenance expenses next year.(今回のドラフトでは、来年度にメンテナンス費用を2倍にする必要がある可能性を考慮しています。)
  • This report tells me that we don't have enough to even cover the startup costs of our new office overseas.(この報告書によると、海外に新オフィスを設立するためのスタートアップ費用すら足りないとのこと。)
  • I hope this report will help you as you start on the variance analysis.(あなたが差異分析を始める時にこのレポートが助けになることを願っています。)
  • Since some departments didn't submit their reports on time, I had to make some best-guess estimates.(報告書の提出が間に合わなかった部署もあるため、推測で見積もらなければなりませんでした。)
  • We need to tighten this budget by trimming the fat.(我々は過剰文の削減を行い、予算を絞る必要があります。)
  • Did you differentiate between fixed and variable expenses?(固定費と変動費を区別しましたか?)
  • The final tally assumes that all reported figures are accurate.(最終集計は、報告されたすべての数値が正確であることを前提としています。)
  • This draft indicates that we need to take at least preliminary steps to stop the bleeding.(今回のドラフトでは、少なくとも出血を止めるための予備的な措置を講じる必要があると考えています。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • ミーティング
  • 部門:経理