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Let's practice linking (1)
Write a sentence using one of the following: "take out", "let them", "I've finished"
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How's this video?

The demonstration reading was too fast for me. Truth be told, among 15 examples, I couldn't catch 5 ones. To be concrete, those are the following sentences: "Jerry fell off the house," "I'll call him at 5:00," "Is the food too hot?", "Let them talk," and "I asked him not to smoke." How can I do it?


The demonstration reading was too fast for me. Truth be told, among 15 examples, I couldn't catch 5 of them. To be concrete, these are the following sentences: "Jerry fell off the house," "I'll called him at 5:00," "Is the food too hot?", "Let them talk," and "I asked him not to smoke." How did I do?

As the title says- let's practice. So, this is practice! All you have to do is to give yourself some time and keep on practicing. Pause the video and say the sentences as many times as you feel you need to. How is that?

As you said, obviously, I think I have to practice with patience. As the saying also goes: "Practice makes perfect," or "There is no royal road to learning." By the way, the speech of our old American teacher from Arizona is as clear as bell. According to him, he always tries to pronounce every sound without dropping or unduly sticking words together. How is that?


As you said, obviously, I think I have to practice with patience. As the saying also goes: "Practice makes perfect," or "There is no royal road to learning." By the way, the speech of our old American teacher from Arizona is as clear as a bell. According to him, he always tries to pronounce every sound without dropping or unduly sticking words together. How is that?

English is spoken in many countries in the world and the accent evolves according to the country because of the native language. The most commonly spoken English is the American and the British.

Thanks a lot for your textbookish information, but I wonder how it related to my previous question. Oh, sorry. I'm keenly aware of breaking through the cynicism unique to me as I grow familiar with the English language. Well, what elements do they divide talkers with clear articulation from ones without it? Hmmm, does this last sentence make sense?


Thanks a lot for your textbookish information, but I wonder how it related to my previous question. Oh, sorry. I'm keenly aware of breaking through the cynicism unique to me as I grow familiar with the English language. Well, what elements divide talkers with clear articulation from ones without it? Hmmm, does this last sentence make sense?

  • vowel(母音)
  • consonant(子音)
  • rule(ルール)
  • focus(集中する)
  • sound(音)
  • You are beautiful.(あなたは綺麗です。)
  • Jerry fell off the horse.(ジェリーは馬から落ちました。)
  • Take out your notebook(ノートを出してください。)
  • Sit down next to me.(私の隣に座ってください。)
  • Do I have to leave now?(今帰らなければいけませんか?)


  • 日常
  • 上級
  • 発音練習動画
  • Linking