
Talking with a corporate certified tax accountant about some financial statements
How can I help you with these?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How can I help you with these?

I would like to take counsel with you about our financial statements. Is our calculation of them correct? Especially, please check the calculation way of profits. Moreover, I want to know how we can further minimize our tax burden this year.


I would like to have some counseling with you about our financial statements. Is our calculation of them correct? Especially, please check the calculation way of profit. Moreover, I want to know how we can further minimize our tax burden this year.

1. More natural expression
2. Rephrased
Well, I will need to take a look at this first. Who was in charge of your finances this past year? I notice some irregularities here.

Mr. Bito is in charge of our financial department. I'm his subordinate and I take over to complete financial statements from him. Where are irregularities? I have to correct them soon.


Mr. Bito is in charge of our financial department. I'm his subordinate and I take over to complete financial statements from him. Where are the irregularities? I have to correct them soon.

1. Definite article needed here
I think that this last financial statement is incomplete. Look at these numbers, they do not seem to be realistic. I will help you with that.

I see. I will check them and compare with numbers in our database. Just a couple of minutes, please... Actually, these are incorrect. I have to re-calculate them. Are there other irregularities?


I see. I will check them and compare them with numbers in our database. Just a couple of minutes, please... Actually, these are incorrect. I have to re-calculate them. Are there other irregularities?

1. This is a more natural expression
I think there are no other irregularities. You need to make new calculations and change those numbers in the report. Will you be able to do it on your own?

Okay. I will try it myself. Well, I would like to know how we save tax burden. Please give me ideas of it.


Okay. I will try it myself. Well, I would like to know how we can save tax burden. Please give me ideas for it.

1. More natural expression
2. Use this prepositon here
I think that one of the ways is paying all the bills before the year's end, those expenses can help reduce the tax burden. Also it is smarter to invest into new equipment now, rather than later. Do you understand what I mean?

Yes, I do. Your suggestions are very useful to us. I have no idea that I can add up those expenses for tax burden. Moreover, I will plan to new equipments in this fiscal year. Thanks consulting us!


Yes, I do. Your suggestions are very useful to us. I had no idea I could do that to reduce the tax burden. Moreover, I will plan to get new equipment in this fiscal year. Thanks for consulting us!

1. More natural expression
2. This is an uncountable noun
3. Use this preposition here
  • discrepancy(矛盾)
  • trend(トレンド)
  • balance(残高)
  • projection(予測、計画)
  • legitimacy(合法性、正当性)
  • justify(正当化する、正当だと説明する)
  • economize(節約する、効率よく利用する)
  • reconcile(調和させる、調整する、一致させる)
  • comparison(比較)
  • reflect(反映する)
  • I can't explain the discrepancy that you pointed out to me, but I'll ask my staff to investigate.(あなたが指摘した矛盾を説明することはできませんが、私のスタッフに調査するよう頼んでおきます。)
  • If we extrapolate these figures, will we be in a good position at year's end?(もしこれらの数値を当てはめれば、年末には良い状態になれるでしょうか?)
  • How can we further minimize our tax burden this year?(どのようにしたら今年の税負担をさらに最小化することができますか? )
  • Can you simplify this financial statement and prepare a ten-minute report for our next board meeting?(次の取締役会用にこの財務諸表を簡約して、10分の報告書を作成することはできますか? )
  • This statement will help to convince the Board of Directors that we are ready to expand our company.(この報告書は、私達が会社を拡大する準備が整ったことを取締役会に説得するのに役立つでしょう。 )
  • How do you account for this unexplained difference between last month's data and what we are currently seeing?(先月のデータと今我々が見ているものの間に生じているこの原因不明の差異をどのように説明するのですか?)
  • Can you help me to understand why these numbers don't match up with the recent surge in sales that we have been experiencing?(我々が経験している最近の売上高急増に対し、なぜこれらの数値が一致していないかその理由を説明してくれませんか?)
  • Unless we reverse this downward spiral soon, we will go bankrupt.(我々はすぐにこの下方スパイラルを反転させない限り、倒産してしまうでしょう。 )
  • Based on these numbers, we have no choice but to make a 10% cut to our operating budget next year.(これらの数値に基づくと、我々は来年の運営予算を一律10パーセントカットせざるを得ません。)
  • This latest financial statement is a reflection of the hard work that our employees have been doing.(この最新の財務諸表は、当社の従業員が行ってきたハードワークを反映しています。 )


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • ミーティング
  • 議論する
  • 部門:経理