
Let's practice vowel (3)
Use "on" and "own" in creating a sentence.
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Well, even at my age, I'm keenly aware of the importance of pronunciation in English. They say it is a good way to close your eyes and focus on listening to a foreign language, and a better way to imitate what you listened. Do you think so too?


Well, even at my age, I'm keenly aware of the importance of pronunciation in English. They say a good way to practice is to close your eyes and focus on listening to a foreign language, and a better way is to imitate what you listened to. Do you think so too?

Yes, I agree. Actually, most shows on the radio are designed to be listened to with closed eyes. Do you ever listen to an English radio or music?

Oh yes, I usually hear the BBC news. However, I'm a kind of "people doing two things at one time." I mean I always listen to it doing other things, such as taking my dog for a walk, weeding my garden, eating spaghetti or using the bathroom. As a result, my listening ability hasn't improved so much. Can you give me some advice?


Oh yes, I usually hear the BBC news. However, I'm the kind of "people who does two things at a time." I mean I always listen to it while doing other things, such as taking my dog for a walk, weeding my garden, eating spaghetti or using the bathroom. As a result, my listening ability hasn't improved so much. Can you give me some advice?

I am not sure what could be the issue but I wouldn't be surprised that you're more of a visual learner. So it actually may be beneficial to you to watch how native speakers pronounce words.

Thanks a lot for your kind advice. Alright, I'll eagerly pay attention to watching how they pronounce from now on. By the way, what do you mean by "more of a visual learner"? Visual learner is a new term to me. Could it be that it's similar to the phrase "sensual learner"? I don't know if this expression itself makes sense or not though.


Thanks a lot for your kind advice. Alright, I'll eagerly pay attention to watching how they pronounce from now on. By the way, what do you mean by "more of a visual learner"? A visual learner is a new term for me. Could it be that it's similar to the phrase "sensual learner"? I don't know if this expression itself makes sense or not, though.

  • difficulties(難題)
  • similar(類似した)
  • sound(音)
  • same(同じ)
  • different(異なる)
  • They sound the same.(同じように聞こえます。)
  • What is the difference?(この違いはなんですか?)
  • It is difficult to tell the difference.(区別するのが難しいです。)
  • The sound is similar.(音が似ています。)
  • I can't tell the difference.(違いがわかりません。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 発音練習動画
  • 母音