
Apologizing for being late to a meeting
海外では車社会の国も多く、"I was caught in a traffic."等という表現がよく使われますが、相手に正直に遅れた理由を述べ、丁寧に謝罪することはビジネスの上でも、プライベートでもとても重要です。
It's already 10:30! Why are you so late?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
It's already 10:30! Why are you so late?

I apologize for being late. The train I was on was delayed due to an accident causing injury.


I apologize for being late. The train I was on was delayed due to an accident that caused injuries.

1. Instead of "causing," use "that caused" to form the phrase "an accident that caused injuries."
2. Use the plural noun "injuries" to talk about more than one injury (in general). ("My train was delayed because of an incident that led to injuries/casualties.")
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that. Are you okay? Were you involved in the accident? Is everyone okay?

Yes. The train I was on wasn't involved in the accident. Ahead of mine was.


Yes. The train I was on wasn't involved in the accident, but the train ahead of mine was.

1. Place a comma instead of a period/full stop (because "but" joins independent clauses) and add the conjunction "but" to expand and complete your sentence.
2. Add "the train" to form the phrase "the train ahead of mine" and complete your sentence.
3. The proper spelling is "ahead."
I see. I'm relieved to hear that you're safe. It's unfortunate that others were injured though. Did the delay affect your schedule for today, except for this meeting?

I have tasks that I have thought to complete this morning. I'm in trouble, the deadline is tomorrow. I have no time to do it.


I have tasks that I have thought about completing this morning. I'm in trouble; the deadline is tomorrow. I have no time to do them.

1. Use the preposition "about" and the gerund "completing" instead of "to complete." ("I have tasks I should complete.")
2. Use a semicolon (;) to link (in a single sentence) two independent clauses (can stand alone as sentences) that are closely related in thought or two or more ideas (parts) in a sentence.
3. Instead of the singular pronoun "it," use the plural pronoun "them" (refers to "the tasks").
That sounds stressful. Is there anything I can do to help? Perhaps I can take over some of your tasks or assist you in some way?

Thank you for offering to help. Could you please review the presentation slides? They're almost complete, but we need to double-check to make sure the figures on the slides match the information provided in the documents vendors submitted.


Thank you for offering to help. Could you please review the presentation slides? They're almost complete, but we need to double-check to make sure the figures on the slides match the information provided in the documents vendors submitted.

1. Great job! Your sentence is correct, but here is how you can rephrase it: "They are almost finished, but we still need to verify that the statistics on the slides correspond to the data in the documents our vendors presented."
Sure, I'd be happy to help with that. Can you send me the documents and the presentation slides so that I can compare them?

I will send them to you now. There are 10 slides; please note that the figures on page 5 are in Japanese yen.


I will send them to you now. There are 10 slides; please note that the figures on page 5 are in Japanese yen.

1. Great job! Your sentence is correct, but here is how you can rephrase it: "There are ten slides, and kindly note that the numbers on page 5 are in Japanese yen."
  • delayed(遅れた)
  • due to a car crash(自動車事故のために)
  • absolutely(絶対に)
  • politeness(礼儀正しさ)
  • encourage(励ます、元気づける)
  • do your best(最善を尽くす)
  • make restitution, compensate, make up(償う)
  • I apologize for being late.(遅れた事を謝罪します。)
  • If you're gonna make an apology, at least try to sound like you mean it.(謝罪するにしても、せめて本気で言っているように聞こえるようにしましょう。)
  • I can handle it.(対応できます。)
  • Please contact my secretary to set up a meeting.(私の秘書に連絡して、ミーティングを設定してください。)
  • I think if we do a little research we'll be able to come up with some good ideas.(ちょっと調べれば、いいアイデアが出てくると思いますよ。)
  • Let me know how late you will be.(あなたがどれくらい遅れるのか私に教えてください。)
  • If you think this will cause problems, please let me know.(もし、これで問題が発生すると思われる場合は、私にお知らせください。)
  • I'll stop by there on my way to work.(通勤途中に立ち寄ってみようと思います。)
  • I promise I won't make the same mistake.(同じ過ちを起こさないと約束します。 )


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • ミーティング
  • 内定者研修
  • 新入社員研修
  • 感謝/謝罪する
  • 謝罪する