
Asking about an applicant's future plans
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Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
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As you know, we are an IT company and you applied for a system engineer position.
So, what do you want to be in 10 years? Could you tell me about it? I ask this question to all applicants.


As you know, we are an IT company and you applied for a system engineer position.
So, where do you see yourself in 10 years? Could you tell me about it? I ask this question to all applicants.

1. This is a more common way to put it. ''What do you want to be when you grow up?'' would be a usual question to ask children
I understand. I would like to establish myself in your company and be one of the top system engineers here. I would also like to help the company advance in systems technology.

Thank you. That is a good answer for us. It's a nice goal to be a top system engineer.
However, I also want to know how do you become the top system engineers. Everyone can say I want to be the top. Just setting a great goal is so easy. I want to know your strategy for becoming the top. Could you tell me how to become the top and your strategy for that?


Thank you. That is a good answer for us. It's a nice goal to be a top system engineer.
However, I also want to know how do you plan to become the top system engineer. Everyone can say I want to be at the top. Just setting a great goal is so easy. I want to know your strategy for reaching the top. Could you tell me your strategy for making it to the top?

1-4. This is a more common way to put it
You are right. It sounds easy. My strategy is to emerge myself into work. I look closely to find the best solutions for every problem. I'm hardworking and committed to my team, and above all, I'm not afraid to face difficulties and think out of the box.

That's amazing. You seem to have a great passion. Also, you mentioned the ability of thinking out of the box. I think that is vital skill to live in the 21st century but it is not easy to think out of the box. In my opinion, to think out of the box, you need to have a strong insight into society. So, I want to ask you one more question.
Could you tell me your opinion about what will become of in 10 years?


That's amazing. You seem to have a great passion. Also, you mentioned the ability to think out of the box. I think that is a vital skill to live in the 21st century, but it is not easy to think out of the box. In my opinion, to think out of the box, you need to have a strong insight into society. So, I want to ask you one more question.
Could you tell me your opinion about what will become of our company in 10 years?

1. ''ability'' is followed by the infinitive
2. Premodifiers of singular countable nouns should be preceded by a determiner
3. ''become of'' is followed by a noun
In ten years, we will be the top-most company in this field and we will be spear heading all things in this field.

Okay, that is the wonderful insight of our company, but how about our society? How does this society becomes?


Okay, that is a wonderful insight into our company, but how about our society? What will this society look like in the near future?

1. ''of'' indicates possession, so ''insight of our company'' would mean the company produced this insight
2. This is a more common way to put it
Well, that's actually difficult to predict. You can never know how something might affect a particular society. I don't think that there are any clearcut rules.

Yes, that is true. We never predict future exactly. However, the important thing is making hypothesis. During processes, setting hypothesis and checking it is the only way to pursue reality.


Yes, that is true. We never predict the future exactly. However, the important thing is making a hypothesis. During any business process, formulating a hypothesis and checking it is the only way to pursue realistic goals. 

1. You say ''the future'', ''the past'' and ''the present''
2.5. Singular countable nouns should be preceded by a determiner
3. ''during processes'' doesn't convey a clear meaning
4.6. This is a more common way to put it
  • destiny(運命)
  • foresee(予測する)
  • envision(想像する)
  • nebulous(不明瞭な)
  • immediate(直近の)
  • fate(運命)
  • contribute(貢献する)
  • scheme(計画、構想)
  • master(習得する)
  • legacy(遺産)
  • I've always believed that I am the master of my fate.(私はいつも、自分の運命を決めるのは自分自身だと信じています。)
  • One of my long term goals is to settle down, start a family, and make a positive contribution to society.(私の長期的な目標の一つは、身を固めて家族を持ち始め、社会に対し有益な貢献をしていくことです。)
  • I want to help Japan to regain its position as a world power.(私は、大国としての地位を取り戻すために、日本を支援したいと思っています。)
  • I want to eventually enter politics and improve our cities.(いずれは政治の世界に入り、街を良くしていきたいと思っています。)
  • It has always been my dream to eventually be the senior manager of this company.(私は最終的にはこの会社のシニアマネージャーになることを常に夢見てきた。)
  • My college professor used to say that we should always start with the end in mind.(私の大学の教授は、我々は常に目標を意識してスタートすべきと言っていたものです。)
  • I hope to one day give back to my community all that it has given me throughout my life.(私はいつか自分のコミュニティに、人生を通じて私に与えてくれたすべてをお返ししたいと思っています。)
  • I want to eventually own and operate my own company.(最終的には自分の会社を持ち、運営していきたいと考えています。)
  • My immediate plan is to learn as much as I can in this position so I can eventually take on a leadership position.(私の当面の計画は、このポジションでできる限り多くのことを学び、いずれはリーダーシップを発揮できるようにすることです。)
  • I want to leave a legacy of honor and respect.(私は名誉と尊敬という遺産を残したいと思っています。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 英語面接
  • 製造業
  • 説明/釈明
  • 部門:人事
  • 面接する