
Asking about an applicant's past experience
Thank you for your time.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Thank you for your time.

Welcome here, Mr. Well, what kind of jobs have you experienced in your previous company? Which of them do you think are useful to the job you're applying for?


Welcome here, Mr. Well, what kind of jobs did you do at your previous company? Which of them do you think are useful to the job you're applying for?

1. This is a much clearer and natural way of expressing this point.
I worked in retail for four years, two of which as a store manager. I think my selling experience will help me build a successful relationship with your clients.

That sounds great for us. I'm glad to know you have the knowledge of the sales and management skills. Both of them are important in this job. What was the most difficult matter in your previous work, and how did you overcome it?


That sounds great for us. I'm glad to know you have the knowledge of  sales and management skills. Both of them are important in this job. What was the most difficult matter in your previous work, and how did you overcome it?

1. The definite article "the" is not necessary here.
There were several difficult aspects. What I learned from all of them is that I need to be patient with people in my team and that I need to have good conversational skills to resolve customers problems.

Excellent! You seem to have strong confidence in yourself. Our company particularly likes changes. We always try to improve on the business.


Excellent! You seem to have strong confidence in yourself. Our company particularly likes changes. We always try to improve our business.

1. Use the pronoun "our", which is used when talking about something belonging to or associated with the speaker and one or more other people previously mentioned or easily identified.
  • upbringing(育成)
  • fundamentals(基本、原理)
  • root(本質、基底)
  • ethical(倫理的な)
  • hardship(〔欠乏によるひどい〕困難、苦難)
  • degree(程度)
  • technical(専門的な)
  • instill(教え込む、植え付ける)
  • abroad(外国へ)
  • My military experience helped develop my leadership skills.(軍隊での経験は、私のリーダーシップスキルを養うのに役立った。)
  • My living and studying abroad for five years has definitely made me a better and stronger person.(留学をして5年間海外で過ごしたことにより、私は間違いなくより良く、より強い人になった。 )
  • My seven years as an apprentice at this company have given me insight into this industry that I would have never gained otherwise.(この会社での7年間の見習い期間は、他の方法では得られなかったであろうこの業界への洞察力を与えてくれました。)
  • As a former manager, I hope to use my skills and insight to make this team the best it can be.(元マネージャーとして、私は自分のスキルと洞察力を活用し、このチームをできる限り最善の状態にしたいと考えています。)
  • Since this is a highly specialized field, my graduate training will give me a head start in this apprenticeship program.(この分野は非常に専門性が高いので、大学院でのトレーニングがこの実習プログラムにおいて幸先の良いスタートをさせてくれるでしょう。)
  • The hardships that I had to overcome in the early years of my life have definitely prepared me for the challenges that I'm about to face.(人生の初期に乗り越えなければならなかった苦難は、これから直面するであろう困難のための準備として確実に役立っています。)
  • I will always appreciate the education that I received from ABC University.(私はABC大学から受けた教育を常に価値あるものと感謝し続けると思います。)
  • My parents have instilled in me a strong work ethic that I will carry to my grave.(私の両親は、私に墓場まで持っていくような強い労働倫理を教えてくれました。)
  • The many setbacks that I had experienced early in my career have helped shape me into a better person.(キャリアの初期段階における多くの挫折は、私がより良い人間となることに役立ちました。)
  • My participation in college sports taught me that anything is possible with teamwork, a solid plan, and effective leadership.(大学でのスポーツへの参加は、チームワーク、堅実なプラン、効果的なリーダーシップを持ってすれば何事も可能であることを私に教えてくれました。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 英語面接
  • 製造業
  • 説明/釈明
  • 部門:人事
  • 面接する