
Asking the driver for sight seeing recommendations
May I tell you my recommended sightseeing spots?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
May I tell you my recommended sightseeing spots?

Oh, I love to hear from you. We're moving to the museum right now. And I don't have a plan where I will go to after I have a look around the museum.


Oh, I would love to hear from you. We're moving to the museum right now. Also, I don't have a plan where I will go    after I have a look around the museum.

1. Add this modal verb to clarify your idea.
2. Remember you can not start a sentence with a conjunction, therefore, make use of this adverb.
3. Redundancy.
That museum visit sounds exciting! Are there specific types of exhibits you enjoy the most, and do you have any favorite artworks or artifacts that you're hoping to see during your visit?

The Mona Lisa is my favorite work. It's my purpose of this trip. Because I haven't seen it, I'm really looking forward to doing it. Please teach me about where I should go after I visit the museum.


The Mona Lisa is my favorite work. It's my purpose for this trip because I haven't seen it, I'm really looking forward to doing it. Please teach me about where I should go after I visit the museum.

1, The main difference between ‘of’ and ‘for’ is that the word ‘of’ is used to show ownership or a distance from something or a result coming from something. On the other hand, the word ‘for’ is used to show a purpose, a destination or an amount of something.
The Mona Lisa is a masterpiece! After the museum, you might enjoy exploring the charming streets of the city or trying a local cafe. Is there a particular type of place or activity you prefer for the rest of your day?

That sounds nice!
I am searching the restaurant where I can eat local dishes.
Do you know like that?


That sounds nice!
I am searching for a restaurant where I can eat local dishes.
Do you know like that?

1. Correct preposition choice, you search for something.
Exploring local cuisine is a fantastic idea! You might find delightful options around the museum area. Are you interested in a specific type of local dish, or are you open to trying anything new?

I'm open to doing it!
However I don't like to eat a coriander. So The restaurant reserving it isn't much for me.


I'm open to doing it!
However, I don't like to eat    coriander. So, I would prefer a restaurant that doesn't serve it.

1. Redundancy.
2. This is a more concise word structure for a definitive sentence
Got it, avoiding coriander. There are plenty of restaurants around. Any particular cuisine you're in the mood for, or should I suggest a few options?

Please suggest a few options, please. You are so nice driver!


Please suggest a few options   . You are such a nice driver!

1, Redundancy.
2. This is a more concise word structure for a definitive sentence
  • recommend(勧める)
  • historical(歴史的な)
  • popular(人気のある)
  • experience(経験、体験)
  • castle(城)
  • What is the most popular food in this area?(この地域で1番有名な食べ物は何ですか?)
  • How can I get to that castle?(あの城にはどのようにして行けますか?)
  • Are there any places you recommend me to visit around here?(この辺りでおすすめの場所はありますか?)
  • What do you think I should experience here?(ここで私は何を体験するべきだと思いますか?)
  • Are there any historical buildings in the area?(この地域には歴史的な建造物はありますか?)


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