
Discussing market research with a co-worker
Do you think we're on the right track?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you think we're on the right track?

It's high time to discuss the matter because it's said that some emerging companies plan to make inroads into this industry. We believe that we can beat any other competitors, however, we ought to be aware of our current position in the market. Here's the latest survey result. According to this, in terms of customer satisfaction, we are at the top in the segment of food websites with word of mouth and the fifth in the segment of all websites with word of mouth. May I ask what you think about it?


It's high time we had discussed the matter because it's said that some emerging companies plan to make inroads into this industry. We believe that we can beat any other competitors, however, we ought to be aware of our current position in the market. Here's the latest survey result. According to this, in terms of customer satisfaction, we are at the top in the segment of food websites, which was spread by word of mouth and the fifth in the segment of all websites which was spread by word of mouth. May I ask what you think about it?

1. After the expression "It's high time" you should use the past perfect tense. It means "we should have discussed the matter before". (It's high time you had gone to bed.)
2. You mean that the information about the website was spread by word of mouth?
I think it's a good thing that we are at the top when it comes to customer care. However, we need to come up with strategies that will make us stay at the top.

Do you know what is the issue for our company? We can not consider the strategy without it. What is the steps for making it as I asked you to think about it last week.


Do you know what the issue is for our company? We can not even consider a strategy without it. What are the steps for coming up with a strategy as I already asked you to think about it last week.

1. Since you are asking for one issue you should use the singular form.
2. Use "even" to emphasize that it is impossible to consider something.
3. You are not talking about one specific strategy so you should use "a".
4. Since you used "steps" you should use the plural form "are".
5. It think that by "it" you are referring to a strategy. "Come up with" means to think of/ invent/ make an idea.
6. Use "already" to emphasize that you have asked the person to do something previously.
Well, clients must see something else as more appealing than 'food websites', to put us on the 5th place. What could it be? Is it videogames, movies, or other websites? How can we bring our website to their attention?
What do you think? I don't know exactly why we are on 5th place of all websites. Do you think we need to carry out a survey?

I think we can get some implications from the research. Firstly, we are still competitive in the segment, however, we need to keep a close watch on the movement as some other rivals are also competitive. Secondly, trends can easily change and if it happens, we need to go back to the drawing board. In order to avoid the disaster and to be one step ahead of our competition, we had better not forget our first resolution.


I think we can get some implications from the research. Firstly, we are still competitive in the segment, however, we need to keep a close watch on the movement as some other rivals are also competitive. Secondly, trends can easily change and if that happens, we need to go back to the drawing board. In order to avoid a disaster and to be one step ahead of our competition, we had better not forget our first resolution.

1. The word "that" refers directly back to "trends can easily change".
2. You have not mentioned a specific disaster so you should use "a".
You are right, and thank you for reminding me of how good we are, but also, how good our competitors are. What do you mean with our first resolution?

I think it doesn't matter as no use for benchmarking competitors as it gonna be just "imitation". I wanted to mean that we need to keep pace with the fast-moving fashion by keeping aware of the essence of the fashion as I was like earlier "we had better not forget our first resolution". Anyway, updating our services better day by day, we should get more loyal customers and then get a more emotional attachment to our company from them.


There is no point in benchmarking competitors as it is just going to be "imitation". I       mean that we need to keep pace with fast-moving fashion by staying aware of the essence of the fashion as I said earlier "we had better not forget our first resolution". Anyway, by updating our services        day by day, we should be able to get more loyal customers and then get them to have a more emotional attachment to our company.

1. "There is no point in" means that "there is no meaning towards doing something".
2. "Just" should come before the verb. (I'm just talking to my friend.)
3. You can not use "wanted to" with the verb mean. You could use the past tense here as well. (I meant that we need....)
4. Use the verb "stay" with the word aware.
5. You could also use "mentioned".
6. Use "by" to show how you are doing something.
7. You could say, "making our services better day by day" (make better) but you can not say (update better)
8. I would add "be able to" here to show that there is a possibility.
9. Since the customers are the subject of the sentence I think that it is better to place "them" at the beginning of the phrase.
You just nailed it. We need to be innovating our services every day, maybe by giving some different promotions, offers, discounts, every week or so. What do you think?

I agree with you. Why don't we arrange a meeting with R&D department and container designer? It will become a big change for us so we have to choose the decision carefully. We have to discuss about not only its color changing but also improving its usability.


I agree with you. Why don't we arrange a meeting with the R&D department and container designer? It will become a big change for us so we have to make decisions carefully. We have to discuss     not only the different colors but also improving its usability.

1. You are specifying the R&D department of your company so you need "the"
2. It sounds like you will need to make a lot decisions so you should use the plural form. (colors and improving its usability)
3. You do not need "about" with the word "discuss".
4. If you are using more than one color you should use the plural form but if you are only going to change one color you should say, "a different color".
  • competitor(競争相手)
  • sliver(薄片、とげ、ほんの一部)
  • analytical(分析的な)
  • gender(ジェンダー)
  • opinion(意見)
  • systematic(体系的な)
  • statistical(統計的な)
  • segmentation(セグメンテーション)
  • demographics(人口統計、人口動態)
  • interpretation(解釈、説明)
  • These dismal results mean that we have to go back to the drawing board.(このような惨憺たる結果を受けて、私たちは初心に戻らなければなりません。)
  • Have we made inroads into this potentially lucrative market?(当社は潜在的に利益性が高いと言えるこの市場に進出したことがあるのですか?)
  • We need to be one step ahead of our competition.(我々は競争相手よりも一歩先にいる必要があります。)
  • This new emerging technology will virtually wipe out our current target market if we don't update our products.(この新しい技術は、我々が製品をアップデートしなければ、現在のターゲット市場をほぼ消滅させてしまうでしょう。)
  • Before we spend any more money on TV commercials, we need to analyze the demographics of the viewing audience.(テレビコマーシャルにてこれ以上の資金を費やす前に、視聴者の人口統計を分析する必要があります。)
  • These statistics show that our customers prefer a more subtle fragrance.(この統計では、当社の顧客はよりほのかな香りを好むことを示しています。)
  • According to this report, our customers don't mind paying a little more for products that are made with better materials.(このレポートによると、お客様はより良い素材で作られた製品には多少の費用を払っても構わないと考えています。)
  • Frankly speaking, the younger generation has a very negative image of this company.(率直に言って、若い世代はこの会社について非常に否定的なイメージを持っています。)
  • For some reason, our models in white are outselling other colors combined by a margin of 3 to 1.(なぜか、ホワイトのモデルが他の色と比べて3対1の差で売れています。)
  • Our interviews revealed that our customers have an almost emotional attachment to our products.(私たちのインタビューで、我々の顧客は当社の製品に愛着に近いものを感じていることが分かった。)


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  • 部門:マーケティング