I have had a lump as big as a pea on the right side of the upper jaw since a few days ago. I don't have any pain now, but I had some pain a week ago.
I have had a lump as big as a pea on the right side of my upper jaw since a few days ago. I don't have any pain now, but I had some pain a week ago.
I'd like to make an appointment as soon as possible. Nothing but the lump unusual happens to me. The dentist said my bite caused some problems and made mouthpieces to prevent teeth from grinding during sleep.
I'd like to make an appointment as soon as possible. Nothing unusual but the lump has happened to me. The dentist said my bite caused some problems and made mouthpieces to prevent my teeth from grinding during sleep.
Ah, I needed to give more information because I was distracted by traffic noises. Yes, the dentist assumed my bite problems and teeth grinding had a deep connection with a lump. Also, she said if it repeatedly happens, removing the filling and root canal treatment will be necessary. The ceramic filling was out of pocket and not covered by national healthcare insurance. I will have to pay it again for the new filling. Neither do most private insurers cover ceramic filling. I found one insurer available to cover it just now.
Ah, I needed to give more information because I was distracted by traffic noise. Yes, the dentist assumed my bite problems and teeth grinding had a deep connection with the lump. Also, she said if it repeatedly happens, removing the filling and root canal treatment will be necessary. The ceramic filling was expensive and not covered by national healthcare insurance. I will have to pay again for a new filling. Most private insurers don't cover ceramic fillings either. I found one insurer available to cover them just now.
2, 5. The first time we talk about something we say ‘a’. Then we use 'the' because the other person knows what we are talking about. E.g. “I had a sandwich and a banana for lunch. The sandwich wasn’t very nice but the banana was delicious.”
3. OUT OF POCKET refers to EXPENSES which you claim back later.
4. No pronoun needed here - refers to a different future thing.
6, 7, 9. You have not mentioned them before.
8, 10. General point.
- toothache(歯痛)
- bleed(血が出る)
- come out(抜ける)
- break(壊れる、欠ける)
- tooth decay(虫歯)
- I have a toothache.(歯が痛いです。)
- My gums are bleeding.(歯茎から血が出ています。)
- My tooth is about to come out.(歯が抜けそうです。)
- I think I have a cavity.(私は虫歯があると思います。)
- My tooth is chipped.(歯が欠けました。)