
Let's explain how your company handles environmental Issues
What are you doing to address environmental problems.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What are you doing to address environmental problems.

Our HQs are initializing to tackle SDGs globally. In response to that, our company, Japan office, has started some projects locally. Saving electricity, reusing papers, using their own bottles instead of disposable paper cups, and so on.


Our HQs are initializing to tackle SDGs globally. In response to that, our company, the Japan office, has started some projects locally. Saving electricity, reusing papers, using their own bottles instead of disposable paper cups, and so on.

1. The article "the" is needed before the phrase "Japan office."
That's great. Your company seems to be on the right path. What else is your company doing? How has been the response of employees to these new measures by the company?

Our company provides medical and security services to corporate clients. Then we encourage them to make sure of their employees' well-being and healthy work environments. In light of that, the company is trying to realize it by itself.
Unfortunately, employees' reactions to those addresses are cool.


Our company provides medical and security services to corporate clients. Then we encourage them to make sure of their employees' well-being and healthy work environments. In light of that, the company is trying to realize it by itself.
Unfortunately, employees' reactions to those addresses are cool.

1. Your sentences are correct. I am offering you an alternative word. You can use "customers" also.
It's great to know you have these systems laid out
Why do you think your employees reacted that way?
Would you say they are still transitioning and adjusting to the changes?

I'm not sure but I suppose they have concerns about their fundamental working conditions, like working hours, salary, benefits, and so on.
Admittedly, addressing the environmental issue is important for a company, but it's not crucial for employees compared to their working conditions. There is dilemma whenever we mull over issue world-wide.


I'm not sure, but I suppose they have concerns about their fundamental working conditions, like working hours, salary, benefits, and so on.
Admittedly, addressing the environmental issue is important for a company, but it's not crucial for employees compared to their working conditions. There is a dilemma whenever we mull over world-wide issues.

1. A comma is needed before the conjunction "but" when splitting two independent clauses.
2. The article "a" is needed before the singular form "dilemma."
3. We needed to change the word order to make the phrase correct. Also, the plural form of the word is needed because you talk in general.
Indeed there is a need for balance between the welfare of employees and addressing environmental issues. Your company needs the full buy-in of employees for these measures to work. How about you, have you welcomed these new measures by your company?

I have the same feeling as the employees, but the situations are a little bit different. When the company tackles environmental issues, I have to be the person who organizes them as an HR manager in the Japan office. Those are additional tasks rather than regular ones. I'm inclined to focus on my regular tasks.


I have the same feeling as the employees, but the situations are a little bit different. When the company tackles environmental issues, I have to be the person who organizes them as an HR manager in the Japan office. Those are additional tasks rather than regular ones. I'm inclined to focus on my regular tasks.

1. Your sentences were correct. I am offering you an alternative word that you can use. "firm."
  • employee(従業員)
  • garbage(ゴミ)
  • light(光)
  • electricity(電力)
  • stuff(もの)
  • We try to sort garbage as much as we can.(私たちはできるだけゴミの分別をしています。)
  • When we don't need electricity, we don't use it.(私たちは必要のない時は電気を使いません。)
  • We save electricity.(私たちは電気を節約しています。)
  • During the summer, employees can go to the office without having to wear a tie.(夏の間、従業員はネクタイなしで出勤できます。)
  • We are recycling paper and plastic items.(私たちは紙やプラスチックなどをリサイクルしています。)


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