
Discussing your company's target market
We need to focus more on our target market.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
We need to focus more on our target market.

I agree. We have spent a huge advising budget on mass media. However, it's not working as before. TV advertisement is not working, especially, for the younger generations. There is no all-encompassing media that is able to reach all generations these days. Due to __ diverse media, we need to plan a media strategy precisely by __ target audience. We have a wide range of products that target various segments, and it is becoming difficult to maintain a low CPA. Now may be the time to concentrate on our products and __ target audience.


I agree. We have spent a huge advising budget on mass media. However, it's not working as before. TV advertisement is not working, especially, for the younger generations. There is no all-encompassing media that is able to reach all generations these days. Due to __ diverse media, we need to plan a media strategy precisely by __ target audience. We have a wide range of products that target various segments, and it is becoming difficult to maintain a low CPA. Now may be the time to concentrate on our products and __ target audience.

The original paragraph is fine, an alternative would be "I share your opinion."
Yes, we have to identify our target market. TV advertisement is one interesting aspect to do and plan. What else do we need to consider?

Yes, young people don't watch TV anymore. They prefer to watch Youtube and VOD, especially, the growth of Netflix and Amazon Prime are remarkable. They spend time on social media as well. However, running digital advertising is not easy because we need to turn the PDCA cycle at __ high speed. Knowledge of IT is necessary to handle and analyze large amounts of data, so I think we need to hire a digital marketing specialist.


Yes, young people don't watch TV anymore. They prefer to watch Youtube and VOD, especially, the growth of Netflix and Amazon Prime are remarkable. They spend time on social media as well. However, running digital advertising is not easy because we need to turn the PDCA cycle at high speed. Knowledge of IT is necessary to handle and analyze large amounts of data, so I think we need to hire a digital marketing specialist.

The original paragraph is fine, an alternative would be "True, there aren't many youngsters who watch TV."
You're absolutely right! A lot of people prefer digital media like YouTube and Netflix. Do we have enough IT staff or specialist?

For utilizing mass media, the power of media buying is necessary. We have to depend on an agency for this which has a strong connection with TV stations. There are not so many agencies that have such strong power, so the market is an oligopoly. We have no choice, but to accept their media plan. On the other hand, the market for digital advertising is very competitive, and a bunch of agencies exists regardless of company size. For getting a good deal from them, we need someone who can negotiate with them on an equal footing.


For utilizing mass media, the power of media buying is necessary. We have to depend on an agency for this which has a strong connection with TV stations. There are not so many agencies that have such strong power, so the market is an oligopoly. We have no choice, but to accept their media plan. On the other hand, the market for digital advertising is very competitive, and a bunch of agencies exists regardless of company size. For getting a good deal from them, we need someone who can negotiate with them on an equal footing.

The original paragraph is fine, an alternative would be "The power of media buying is required in order to utilize mass media."
  • define(明確にする)
  • niche(隙間市場、特定分野)
  • general(一般的な)
  • particular(特定の)
  • identify(識別する、特定する)
  • typical(典型的な、代表的な)
  • specific(明確な 具体的な)
  • pinpoint(〔特定のものを〕指摘する)
  • determine(決心する、(性質・程度などを)測る)
  • Our business strategy shouldn't exclude potential clients who don't match the criteria of our target market.(私たちのビジネス戦略は、ターゲット市場の条件に合わない潜在的な顧客を排除してはいけません。)
  • According to this report, our current customer base doesn't match our target market.(この報告によると、我々の現在の顧客基盤は当社がターゲットとする市場と一致していません。)
  • Our target market is much too small to ensure profitability.(当社のターゲット市場は収益性を確保するにはあまりにも小さいです。)
  • Our target market has always been ill-defined.(当社のターゲット市場はいつも明確に定義されないでいます。)
  • If our target market is teenagers, then why are we advertising in magazines that they don't read?(ターゲットがティーンエイジャーならば、彼らが読まない雑誌に広告を出す必要はないのでは?)
  • To say that our target market is women is much too general.(当社のターゲット市場が女性であると言ってしまうのは、あまりにも一般的すぎます。)
  • We should not only determine who has an interest in our products, but also whether they can afford them.(誰が当社の製品に興味を持っているかだけでなく、顧客がそれらを買う余裕があるかどうかについても測定するべきです。)
  • If this company is to survive these tough times, we need to expand our target market.(この会社がこの厳しい時代を生き抜くためには、ターゲットとなる市場を拡大する必要があります。)
  • We need to appeal more to our more affluent consumers.(私たちは、より裕福な消費者に対しもっとアピールする必要があります。)
  • We seem to be losing sight of who our customers are.(私たちは、お客様が誰であるかを見失っているようです。)


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  • 部門:マーケティング