
Check the items that are out of stock
It seems like parts being out of stock...
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
It seems like parts being out of stock...

Oh really? Would you tell me the item code? I am checking the current stock.


Oh really? Would you tell me the item code? I'll check the current stock.

Sure. The item code is XY123. But the supplier had informed us that this part is not manufactured anymore. Do you know of any other suppliers who manufacture the same part? Or should we redesign our product so we would not need this part anymore?

Yes, it is obsolete. It depends on a finance approval whether you can decide to purchase the same part from another manufacturer or request to design a new part. We have both choices, but we have to determine which is the best. Purchasing the same part from another manufacture is inexpensive and quick to get but there are some risks that the part will not fit our products completely. If you pick up the latter option, the cost is higher, but you will be satisfied with the proper size.


Yes, it is obsolete. It depends on the finance approval whether you can decide to purchase the same part from another manufacturer or request to design a new part. We have both choices, but we have to determine which is the best. Purchasing the same part from another manufacture is inexpensive and quick to get but there are some risks that the part will not fit our products completely. If you pick the latter option, the cost is higher, but you will be satisfied with the proper size.

We are a little tight on our budget, so I would opt for the cheaper course of action. How can I reach the manufacturer that has that part?

I will contact the manufacturer. Before contacting the manufacturer, we have to prepare the purchase forecast to negotiate the price, standard lead time to supply and so on. Would you provide me with the forecast? How often and how much will it be needed?


I will contact the manufacturer. Before contacting the manufacturer, we have to prepare the purchase forecast to negotiate the price, standard lead time to supply and so on. Would you provide me with the forecast? How often and how much will be needed?

We purchase those parts only when the ones we have break down, so I can't tell you how often we will need them. Right now we need two pieces. How long will it take for the parts to get to our factory?

Ok. I understood. I will ask the manufacturer about the price and lead time when I raise the order of the two pieces. Is there any point you would like to confirm in advance?


Ok. I understand. I will ask the manufacturer about the price and lead time when I raise the order of the two pieces. Is there any point you would like to confirm in advance?

If you can confirm my order by tomorrow, that will be great because I will need to inform my supervisor by then. Are there other procedures I will need to complete in order to successfully place my order?

OK. Can you acquire the purchase approval from the finance team by today? I need the purchase requisition that is signed by the finance team.


OK. Can you acquire the purchase approval from the finance team by today? I need them to sign the purchase requisition.

  • out of stock(欠品)
  • supply(供給する、提供する)
  • deficiency(不足分)
  • grasp(把握する)
  • request(要請する)
  • I will request one factory to produce the parts quickly.(一つの工場に早急にその部品を生産するよう要請します。)
  • Firstly, I would like to grasp what parts are out of stock.(まず、どの部品が欠品しているかを把握したいと思います。)
  • Then, I will supply the deficiency.(その後、不足分を補充しましょう。)
  • We will be able to supply the deficiency within a week.(1週間以内に不足分を供給できるようにします。)
  • That was due to our factory's mistake, we're very sorry.(それは私たちの工場のミスによるもので、大変申し訳ありませんでした。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 製造業
  • 確認する