
Talking about your vision for the company at a job interview
What is your vision for the company?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What is your vision for the company?

You know well that your industory are going to lose gross profit gradually from your original market. The competitors are the same. I believe one of your business developement teams has a great chance to get a unrivaled solution. I have a cleare vision how the resolution should be. That is it shold be involed a lot of FinTech apps in the world.


You know well that your industry is going to lose the gross profit gradually from your original market. The competitors are the same. I believe one of your business developement teams has a great chance to get an unrivaled solution. I have a clear vision what the resolution is. It means it should invole a lot of FinTech apps in the world.

I'm not sure I understand what you want to say. Could you please try again? What is F in Tech? This is not my industry... I'm here for an interview.

Your company is the best printing one in Japan, but printing industry has been shrinking during the last few decades. I read your companey's news release which is a unrivaled solution. That is VPN which stands for vertual private network. I was in charge of developing VPN software in the routers. FinTech stands for financial technology.


Your company is the best printing one in Japan, but printing industry has been shrinking during the last few decades. I read your company's press release so that is an unrivaled solution. That is VPN which stands for virtual private network. I was in charge of developing VPN software in the routers. FinTech stands for financial technology.

Oh I see. You have a wide expanse of knowledge because the VPN project was a huge one. Tell me some more about your role in Fintech.

The concept of VPN is to protect data communication against crackers. You know Venmo aren't you. It is popular in the U.S. Nowdays, the expression of "person to person" is the key word among financial industry. I strongly believe your unrivaled VPN solution fits mobile FinTech application. The reason why I'm here to be interviewed to develop it.


The concept of VPN is to protect data communication against hackers. You know Venmo, don't you? It is popular in the U.S. Nowdays, the expression of "person to person" is the key word among financial industry. I strongly believe your unrivaled VPN solution fits mobile FinTech applications. The reason why I'm at this interview is to develop it.

Well as you mentioned, Fintech application is essential in protecting our files from hackers so it would suit us well.

I'd like to be the front-runner when it comes to a member of developing VPN mobile applications around financial industry. I have another edged skill. I can communicate Israeli in Hebrew. It is very useful to go budiness with Israeli, because there are lots of them in New York. As you know, New York is the famous place when it comes to financial.


I'd like to be the front-runner as a member of the developing VPN mobile applications around financial industry. I have an another edged skill. I can communicate with Israeli in Hebrew. It is very useful to start a business with Israeli, because there are lots of them in New York. As you know, New York is the famous place when it comes to financial industry.

Yes, I am well aware of that. I must say I am impressed with your skills. You seem like a right person for us, but I need to talk with other bosses here. We will inform you about our decision in Wednesday! It was great pleasure meeting you!

Thank you so much for giving me a time to be interviewed. It would indeed be a great pleasure for me to join your company and to develop mobile applications of FinTech in the security division. I'm looking forward to hearing good news. I'm planning to do my best. Thank you again for your time.


Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed. It would indeed be a great pleasure for me to join your company and to develop mobile applications of FinTech in the security division. I'm looking forward to hearing good news from you. I'm planning to do my best. Thank you again for your time.

  • front-runner(先頭に立つ人、最有力候補)
  • peerless(二つとない、比類のない)
  • pack(集まり、一団)
  • unrivaled(無類の、無双の)
  • household(一家、世帯)
  • epitome(典型(的な例)、要約)
  • unsurpassed(卓越した、最高の)
  • standout((名)素晴らしい人[物]、(形)卓越した)
  • beacon(導き手、案内役)
  • model(模型、モデル)
  • Our innovative and revolutionary products will be unmatched by any rival company.(私たちの斬新で革新的な製品はどの会社も太刀打ちできないでしょう。)
  • We will lead the pack in our race to develop markets throughout Asia.(アジア全域での市場開拓競争をリードしていきます。)
  • We will be a household name in every corner of the world.(世界の隅々まで名を馳せることになります。)
  • We will be peerless in our efforts in modernizing the industry.(業界を近代化させる努力をすることにより、私たちは比類のないものとなるでしょう。)
  • I envision this company to be a world leader in being environmentally responsible.(私は、この会社が環境に配慮した世界的なリーダーになることを想像しています。)
  • We will be the epitome of what it means to be a compassionate and generous company.(私たちは、思いやりのある寛大な企業であることの縮図となるでしょう。)
  • We will be the prime example of what an efficient and responsible company can be.(弊社は、効率的で責任感のある企業のビジネスモデルとなることでしょう。)
  • We will be the front-runner when it comes to community service and charity.(地域サービスとチャリティーとなれば、弊社が先頭に立つでしょう。)
  • We must never lose sight of our position as the leader in this industry.(この業界のリーダー格としての地位を決して失ってはいけません。)
  • We will serve as a beacon of excellence.(私たちは優秀な人材の案内役として仕えるでしょう。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 英語面接
  • キャリアプラン