
Let's explain the company's research & development
Could you tell me what kind of research & development your company has?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Could you tell me what kind of research & development your company has?

Our company is making effort to research and develop some substance and drags matching with our comapany'sstrategy for targeting disease field.


Our company is making an effort to research and develop some substance and drugs matching with our company's_strategy for targeting the disease field.

1. 'effort' is singular and countable, so we should use an article before it.
2. The word 'drags' doesn't fit the context, I assume you wanted to use the word 'drugs'.
3. Proper spelling of the word 'company's'.
4. Space is needed here.
5. 'field' is singular and countable so it takes an article, and you're referring to a specific field, so we should use the definite article 'the' here.
What kind of drugs is your research and development division currently working on? What challenges does your department anticipate this year?

Our company resarch and develop mainly joint and born drugs. As you know this field is our strong earea.


Our company researches and develops mainly joint and bone drugs. As you know this field is our strong area.

1.2. Subjects and verbs must agree with one another in number and form (singular or plural). For that reason, if a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular; if a subject is plural, its verb must also be plural. Singular verbs are formed by adding 's' at the end. In this case the subject 'company' is singular, so the verbs must be singular too. HAVE, ARE, DO - plural; HAS, IS, DOES, VERB+'S' - singular. Also, 'researches' is the proper spelling of the word.
3. 'Born' doesn't seem suitable here, I assume you wanted to use 'bone'.
4. Proper spelling of the word 'area'.
What are the main ingredients in drugs for bones and joints? Can calcium we take through food really help our bones? What about joints? How do we keep our joints healthy?

Some acids are main ingredient of it. It is difficult to take calcium needed in a day from our daily meal as enough quantity to help our bone.

To keep our joints healthy we need adequate work out and train our muscle to suport our joints.


Some acids are the main ingredient of it. It is difficult to take calcium needed in a day from our daily meal as enough quantity to help our bone.

To keep our joints healthy we need adequate workout and train our muscles to support our joints.

1. 'main' usually takes the article 'the' because it's usually referring to something specific.
2. 'workout' is commonly written as one word.
3. The plural form is needed here, it is a general statement about more than one muscle.
4. Proper spelling of the word 'support'.
Okay, I understand. Are there any new drugs that you anticipate launching this year? What are your plans?

It is hard thing to make some developping seeds launch every year, so we need to get new product's patent right so that we can sale new product and get revenew.


It is a hard thing to make some developing seeds launch every year, so we need to get new product's patents right so that we can sell new products and get revenue.

1. 'hard thing' is singular and countable, so we should use an article before it.
2. Proper spelling of the word 'developing'.
3. Either use plural 'patents' if you're referring to more than one patent. The plural form is usually used when making general statements, or use an article before the noun phrase if you want to use the singular form.
4. The noun 'sale' doesn't fit here, we need the verb 'sell'.
5. Either use plural if it is more than one product, or use singular with an article if it is only one product. We should not use singular and countable nouns without an article.
6. Proper spelling of the word 'revenue'.
I see. How long does it usually take to develop a new drug? What percentage of the drugs you develop successfully get a patent?

I don't know exact data of our developing success rate but we can't get so high successful rate. So, we introduce some products from other companies.


I don't know the exact data of our developing success rate but we can't get such a highly successful rate. So, we introduce some products from other companies.

1. 'exact' usually takes the article 'the' because it's usually referring to something specific.
2. 'so' doesn't fit here, we need 'such' when we use a noun or a noun phrase after it.
3. 'highly successful rate' is singular and countable, so we should use an article before it.
4. 'high' is an adjective, 'successful' is also an adjective, we should not use one adjective to modify another, we use adverbs for that, so either use 'highly' or use the conjunction 'and' between the adjectives.
  • develop(発展させる)
  • potential(見込みのある)
  • eco-friendly(環境にやさしい)
  • budget(予算)
  • make efforts(努力する)
  • We have a new medical research platform.(私たちは医療研究を新しく始めました。)
  • Collecting medical data has the potential to be useful in developing new products.(医療データの収集は、新しい商品を開発する際に役に立つ見込みがあります。)
  • We are also developing eco-friendly goods. (私たちは環境にやさしい商品の開発も行っています。)
  • We increased the budget for this research. (この研究の予算を増やしました。)
  • The company is making efforts to develop more eco-friendly products. (より環境に配慮した製品の開発に努めています。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 製造業
  • 報告/説明する