
Talking about where you see yourself in five years at a job interview
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Where do you see yourself in five years?

I want to be able to lead some big project as a creative director.


I want to be able to lead some big projects as a creative director.

1. We use plurals when talking about things in general.
That's great to hear that you have a specific goal in mind. What steps are you taking to achieve that goal and what skills do you think you need to develop to get there?

I think I have to join several projects as one of a project members for getting achievements and experience. During the term, I want to get the skill in good hearing, arranging some ideas, conveying a concept, and so on.


I think I have to join several projects as one of the project members to get some achievements and experience. During the term, I want to improve my skills in good hearing, arranging some ideas, conveying a concept, and so on.

1. The definite article ''the'' is used when talking about something specific.
2&3. This is a more natural way of writing this phrase.
I understand. Could you tell me your background in this industry? What is the biggest achievement in your career?

I worked as an interior designer at previous company. Especially, I'm good at planning office based on client's work style. My biggest achievement is ABC corporation's office renewal project. I joined as a leader and won some design awards.


I worked as an interior designer at my previous company. Especially, I'm good at planning offices based on a client's work style. My biggest achievement is ABC Corporation's office renewal project. I joined as a leader and won some design awards.

1. The pronoun ''my'' is used when talking about something belonging to or associated with the speaker.
2. We use plurals when talking about things in general.
3. The indefinite article ''a'' introduces singular nouns, noun phrases, and adjectives.
4. All the words that make up a name should be capitalized.
That's impressive! It sounds like you have a lot of experience and skills that would be valuable in a creative director role. Are you currently working towards that goal, or do you plan to in the near future?

I'm working towards that goal. I think if I could join your company, I can join a lot of challenging project and work with talented colleague. That is the reason of my offering.


I'm working towards that goal. I think if I could join your company, I can join a lot of challenging projects and work with talented colleagues. That is the reason for my offer.

1&2. We use plurals when talking about things in general.
3. The preposition ''for'' expresses reason.
4. Remove the gerund ''-ing'' to correct the wrong grammar and fix the agreement mistake.
What do you think is your weakness? When did you discover it and what have you been doing to overcome it?

My weakness is being thoughtful,so I always try to proceed before thinking of something in detail.


My weakness is being thoughtful, so I always try to proceed before thinking of something in detail.

1. There should be space between a punctuation mark and the word that comes after it.
  • realistic(現実的な、実際的な、現実主義的な)
  • pessimistic(悲観的な)
  • realist(現実主義者)
  • pragmatist(現実主義者、実用主義者)
  • set((名)ひとそろい、一式、(形)規定の、指定の)
  • foresee(~を予感する、予測する)
  • prognosticate(予知する)
  • commit(約束する、誓約する)
  • optimistic(楽観的な)
  • accomplishment(業績、成果、達成)
  • I want to be married with at least one child before I turn 35, which is in five years.(5年後の35歳になる前に、結婚して子供を一人でも作りたい。)
  • I see myself working overseas in five years.(5年後には海外で仕事をしている自分がいます。)
  • I am very optimistic that, in five years, this company will triple in size.(私はとても肯定的に、5年以内にこの会社は3倍にも大きくなっていることと予想しています。)
  • Since I can't foresee the future, I can only do my best day in and day out.(私は未来を予想はできないので、一日一日自分のベストをつくすことしかできません。)
  • Since I'm a pragmatist, I'm just going to continue to work hard and let the future take care of itself.(私は現実主義なので、私はただ一生懸命仕事を続けて、未来は未来に任せます。)
  • There is only one accomplishment that I want to have done within five years, and that's to open up a branch in Singapore.(私が5年以内に成し遂げたいことはたったひとつで、それはシンガポールで支店を開くことです。)
  • I would like to think that, by that time, I would be sufficiently skilled to be promoted to the next level.(私はその時までに、私が次のレベルに昇進できるほど充分な能力があるか考えたいと思います。)
  • In order to reach my goal of being vice president in five years, I need to commit to longer workdays and personal sacrifice.(5年後に副社長になるという目標を達成するためには、勤務時間を長くしたり、個人的な犠牲を払ったりする必要があります。)
  • In five years, I hope to have my own company.(5年以内で私は自分の会社を持つようになりたいです。)
  • I want to be my own boss in five years.(私は5年以内に独立したいと思います。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 英語面接
  • キャリアプラン