
Talking about possible strategies that the company should pursue in the future at a job interview
What strategies do you think we should pursue in the future?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What strategies do you think we should pursue in the future?

I've been working for present firm for 15 years in the cyber security industry. General speaking, this business world has been growing steadily. I believe we have the infinite potential of the Internet, and your firm is good at network and cipher. I would lIke to propose making new style VPN solutions which go well with the Cloud Network.


I've been working for my present firm for 15 years in the cyber security industry. Generally speaking, this business has been growing steadily. I believe we have the infinite potential in the Internet, and your firm is good at network and cipher. I would like to propose making a new style of VPN solutions which go well with the Cloud Network.

Could you please give me more information about the VPN solutions? I'd like to know the details please.

Nowdays, the Cloud is so popular among our IT industry. Recently, we very often heared a fixed phrase, software is eating the world, that means, I think, software is the very important key element in this world. I belieave future VPN will be changed no need hardware. It will match the Cloud because of no hardware.


Nowdays, the Cloud is so popular among our IT industry. Recently, we often hear the fixed phrase, "software is eating the world." It means, I think, software is the very important key element in this world. I believe the future of VPN will be changed and there's no need for hardware. It will match the Cloud because there's no hardware.

Oh I see. I think that's an advanced technology however are there any drawbacks to such situation?

There are three drawbacks. First, it takes more time to send or receive communication data through the Internet. Second, it gets slightly longer than original data length because of adding IP header each original IP headers. Third, the CPU consumption rate is higher as it needs cipher the communication data. That's all.


There are three drawbacks. First, it takes more time to send or receive communication data through the Internet. Second, it's slightly longer than the original data length because of adding IP header to each original IP headers. Third, the CPU consumption rate is higher as it needs to cipher the communication data. That's all.

Could you please tell me what you mean by the CPU consumption rate is higher as it needs cipher the communication". I'm not sure I understand.

I see. The VPN stands for virtual private network, and it ofeers safe communication between A terminal and B, as it encrypts the information data. It depends on cipher. Encryption needs more CPU time that means CPU consumption rate bad. Are you OK? The selection of cryptographic algorithm and usage of cryptographic key are the point of VPN.


I see. The VPN stands for virtual private network and it offers safe communication between A and B terminal as it encrypts the information data. It depends on cipher. Encryption needs more CPU time and that means CPU consumption rate is bad. Are you OK? The selection of cryptographic algorithm and usage of cryptographic key are the point of VPN.

Well, the speed is constantly increasing, so that what you've proposed seems to be the way of the future.

Yes, we think so, however I showed the three drawbacks, it would be no problems in these days because of increasing of CPU power and lots of memory. Nowdays, it is highly important to exchange communication data safely. I strongly believe that developing a new model VPN and launching it will make a success of your company. How about my proposal?


Yes, we think so, however I showed the three drawbacks. It won't be a problem these days because of increasing CPU power and lots of memory. Nowadays, it is highly important to exchange communication data safely. I strongly believe that developing a new model of VPN and launching it will give success for your company. How about my proposal?

  • proactive(事前に行動を起こした、先回りした)
  • reactive(反応の早い、敏感な)
  • retreat(後退する、撤退する、退く)
  • reckless(無鉄砲な、向こう見ずな)
  • unintended(意図的でない、故意でない)
  • balance(平衡、バランス)
  • responsive(反応が早い、敏感に反応する)
  • deliberate((動)熟考する、議論する、(形)慎重な、入念な)
  • conscious(意識[自覚]している、気にしている)
  • We should think outside the box and be innovators rather than reactionaries.(私たちは既成概念にとらわれず、保守的になるのではなく革新者であるべきです。)
  • Given the conditions of our current economy, we should definitely downsize our operations.(現在の経済状況を考えると、絶対に事業を縮小すべきだと思います。)
  • If we can anticipate what the economy will be like in ten years, we can be more proactive.(10年度の経済を予測できるのなら、私たちはもっと事前に行動を起こせます。)
  • We should do the complete opposite of what our competitors are doing.(弊社の競合他社がしていることの全く反対のことをするべきです。)
  • We should definitely expand overseas, but do it deliberately and with extreme caution.(海外進出は絶対にすべきだが、慎重に、細心の注意を払って行うべきだ。)
  • There must be a way out of this situation without being reckless.(無謀なことをせずにこの状況の打開策があるはずです。)
  • Whatever strategy we pursue, we should always be aware of the unintended consequences of our actions.(どのような戦略をとるにしても、自分の行動が意図しない結果をもたらすことを常に意識する必要があります。)
  • Realizing that companies that don't take calculated risks cannot survive in these times, we should be bold in our approach to business.(リスクを取らない企業は生き残れない時代だからこそ、大胆にビジネスに取り組むべきだと思います。)
  • There is a fine line between reacting to a problem and being responsive.(問題に反応を示すということと、責任を持つということには微妙な違いしかない。)
  • A successful executive is one who can effectively balance risk taking and caution.(成功する経営者とは、リスクを取ることと注意することのバランスを効果的に取ることができる人です。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 英語面接
  • 業界分析