
Talking about other companies that could potentially be partners with the company that you want to work for at a job interview
Do you know of any companies that you think might be good for us to partner with?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you know of any companies that you think might be good for us to partner with?

I can imagine that at least two conglomerates will take the lead along with this company. It's been rumored that the largest clothing retailer in Thailand wants to talk about possibly merging with our company.


I can imagine that at least two conglomerates will take the lead along with this company. It's been rumored that the largest clothing retailer in Thailand wants to talk about possibly merging with our company.

1. You can also say "a possible merge" here as an alternative.
Oh okay, I see. That sounds interesting. Do you think we should merge with them? What are the benefits of merging with this company?

In order to survive, we need to think about getting involved in multinational initiatives. The mission of this company ties in quite nicely with that of ABC Company from South Korea. In this increasingly global society, we would be foolish not to partner with this company that expressed an interest in joining forces.


In order to survive, we need to think about getting involved in multinational initiatives. The mission of this company ties in quite nicely with that of ABC Company from South Korea. In this increasingly global society, we would be foolish not to partner with this company that expressed an interest in joining forces.

1. You can also say "consider" here as an alternative.
I understand. You have made some really good points. It would be a good idea for us to merge with this company. What other company should we merge with?

There are a few companies in this field that are starting to entertain the notion of going international. Actually, three companies that I know of are currently discussing interlocking their shareholdings with a company such as this one. Instead of competing head on with ABC Company, we can be allies in our efforts to produce greener products.


There are a few companies in this field that are starting to entertain the notion of going international. Actually, three companies that I know of are currently discussing interlocking their shareholdings with a company such as this one. Instead of competing head-on with ABC Company, we can be allies in our efforts to produce greener products.

1. Spelling. This is just one word.
  • partnership(相互関係、協調、協力)
  • conglomerate(集合体、複合企業)
  • ally(支持者、協力者)
  • diversification(多様化、多様性)
  • subsidiary(補助の、助成金の)
  • parent(親)
  • global((名)グローバル、(形)世界的規模の)
  • interlock(連結、連動装置)
  • multinational((名)多国籍企業、(形)多国籍の)
  • manufacturing(製造(業))
  • I can imagine that at least two conglomerates will take the lead along with this company.(この会社と共にに少なくとも2つの財閥が主導権を握ることは想像できます。)
  • Three companies that I know of are currently discussing interlocking their shareholdings with a company such as this one.(現在、私が知っているだけでも3社が、このような会社との株式連動を検討しています。)
  • It's been rumored that the largest clothing retailer in Thailand wants to talk about possibly merging with our company.(タイの最大手の衣料品小売業者が、弊社との合併の話を持ち出しているという噂です。)
  • The mission of this company ties in quite nicely with that of ABC Company from South Korea.(この会社の目標は、韓国のABC会社の目標ととても上手く一致しています。)
  • There are a few companies in this field that are starting to entertain the notion of going international.(この業界で、進んで国際化しようとする会社はいくつかあります。)
  • In order to survive, we need to think about getting involved in multinational initiatives.(生き残るために、私たちは多国の取り組みに従事することを考える必要があります。)
  • In this increasingly global society, we would be foolish not to partner with the American company that expressed an interest in joining forces.(グローバル化が進む中、「一緒にやろう」と言ってくれたアメリカ企業と組まない手はありません。)
  • If you are considering diversifying your investments, my experience overseas may be helpful.(分散投資を考えている方は、私の海外での経験が参考になるかもしれません。)
  • Instead of competing head on with ABC Company, we can be allies in our efforts to produce greener products.(ABC社と真っ向から競争するのではなく、環境に配慮した製品を作るために協力し合うことができるのです。)
  • I suggest sending teams of workers to various companies overseas to learn more about their operations and business practices.(海外のさまざまな企業に労働者チームを派遣して、業務やビジネスのやり方を学ぶことを提案します。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 英語面接
  • 業界分析