
Checking the appointed date of delivery.
Did you have a question about your order?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Did you have a question about your order?

I would like to ask about the latest order. I'm worried that the date of payment may be changed due to the holidays in your country.


I would like to ask about the latest order. I'm worried that the date of payment may be changed due to the holidays in your country.

Alternatively, you could say, "I wonder whether or not the date of payment may be changed due to the holidays in your country."
Please don't worry about it. We operate even during the holidays and we don't change dates or rates of delivery. Our clients come from different countries so we cannot impose local holidays in the operation.

Great. Can you tell me about the holidays in your country? You set work days even in holidays, do you have any bad reaction from your worker?


Great. Can you tell me about the holidays in your country? You work even on holidays, do you have any bad reaction from your workers?

1. This is a more common way to express this.
2. There are many workers.
Well, as long as the date is red on the calendar, it is considered a holiday. Our workers don't complain because they've already agreed to it. They are also paid double during holidays.

If the salary is double, it would be good. Is the red date situation often occurred?


If the salary is double, it is good. Does the red date situation often occur?

1. This is a true situation so 'would' is not an appropriate verb.
2/3. Usually when we ask questions we use the verb do, especially when there is no action happening.
The usual Holidays are Christmas, New Year, Independence Day, Labor Day, Holy Week and All Soul's Day. How about in your country?

What? I asked you how often the red situation occur, not what your holidays are.


What? I asked you how often the red situation occurs, not what your holidays are.

1. 'the red situation' is singular so takes a singular verb.
Well, yes, I know what you mean. That's what I was trying to say.
The red date situation occurs from time to time but not too often.

Good. I will come here next month and check your product. See you.


Good. I will go there next month and check your product. See you.

1. I assume this conversation takes place on the phone so you are not 'there' now - 'come' and 'go' often depend on location at the time of speaking.
  • the date of payment(入金日、送金日)
  • holiday(祝日)
  • deliver(届ける)
  • worry(心配する)
  • keep((期日を)守る)
  • I would like to confirm the date of payment.(納期を確認したい。)
  • When will the product be delivered?(商品はいつ届きますか?)
  • Can you tell me about the holidays in your country?(あなたの国の祝日について教えてください。)
  • I'm worried that the date of payment may be changed due to the holidays in your country.(お住まいの国の祝祭日の関係で支払日が変更になるのではないかと心配です。)
  • I will surely keep the date of payment.(期日は必ず守ります。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • シーンリクエスト
  • 仕事関係
  • 確かめる