
Talking about the differences between the company you are applying for and its competitors at a job interview
What do you think are the differences between our company and our competitors?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What do you think are the differences between our company and our competitors?

I think that the biggest difference between your company and your competitors is the proportion of the market share. However, when it comes to the online market, your company's in third place. I think that you still have the potential to enlarge your online market share too.


I think that the biggest difference between your company and your competitors is the proportion of the market share. However, when it comes to the online market, your company is in third place. I think that you still have the potential to enlarge your online market share too.

1. The possessive noun form appears to be incorrectly used in this context. Consider using this expression to clearly express your point.
How important do you think is the online market to our business? What do you think our competitors have or do that we lack or don't do in that area?

I took a look at your company's website, and I felt that it doesn't seem user-friendly. It needs to be clearer to indicate how to cancel purchases. It is also a little bit too aggressive in leading people to enroll as members.


I took a look at your company's website, and I felt that it doesn't seem user-friendly. It needs to be clearer to indicate how to cancel purchases. It is also a little bit too aggressive in leading people to enroll as members.

1. Great job! Here's an alternative word you can use in this context. "look"
What is not foolproof on our website? Oh, we have the cancel button just beside the OK button. Anyway, I would love to hear how we can improve our system from you.

Honestly, I could find no good point on your website. You might create email magazines and send them to potential customers. You could put the links that prompt the customers to enroll in reading the magazines on the website. The emails should include tips related to your products and services. You should send them to the customers for free. When they try to start reading the magazines, you can lead them to enroll as members as well.


Honestly, I could find no good point on your website. You might create email magazines and send them to potential customers. You could put the links that prompt the customers to enroll in reading the magazines on the website. The emails should include tips related to your products and services. You should send them to the customers for free. When they try to start reading the magazines, you can lead them to enroll as members as well.

1. Great job! Here's an alternative word you can use in this context. "encourage"
  • innovative(革新的な、刷新的な、創造力に富む)
  • futuristic(未来の、革新的な、斬新な)
  • trendy(最先端の考え、時代感覚に合った)
  • steadfast(確固たる、不動の)
  • philosophy(信条、価値観、哲学)
  • paradigm(模範、実例)
  • contemporary(同時期の人、同年齢の人、同年輩)
  • stable(しっかりした、安定した)
  • unrestrained(抑制のない)
  • longstanding(ずっと昔からの、長続きする)
  • Unlike most other companies, your company is steadfast in its belief that profit isn't the only business objective.(他の多くの企業とは異なり、貴社は「利益だけがビジネスの目的ではない」という信念を貫いています。)
  • This company is very well known for its community service projects.(この会社は、社会貢献プロジェクトで非常に有名です。)
  • It would not be inaccurate to describe your business philosophy as being futuristic.(あなたのビジネス哲学は、未来的であると言っても過言ではありません。)
  • Your company has long been the leader in introducing greener products to the consumer.(御社は長年にわたり、環境に優しい製品を消費者に紹介するリーダー的存在でした。)
  • Your company has outlasted all other companies in this highly competitive field.(御社は、この競争の激しい分野で他社を圧倒しています。)
  • You are not satisfied with being contemporary and are always looking towards the future.(あなたは現状に満足せず、常に未来に目を向けています。)
  • How you empower your entire staff, from the lowest levels to the CEO, is unrivaled by any other company.(最下層から最高経営責任者(CEO)まで、スタッフ全体にいかに力を与えているかは、他のどの会社の追随を許さないものです。)
  • Yours is the only company that is known all over the world.(世界中に知られているのは御社だけです。)
  • Other companies tend to respond to trends, while your company places high priority on tradition and stability.(他社はトレンドに対応する傾向がありますが、御社は伝統や安定性を重視しています。)
  • This company is unique because it operates from a different paradigm than other companies.(他社よりも異なった実例を扱っているので、この会社はとてもユニークです。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 英語面接
  • 業界分析