
Explaining your educational background.
What kind of school did you go to?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What kind of school did you go to?

When I was a high school student, I went for a course specialized in English. However, I didn't like English so much and I wasn't very good at speaking English. I selected the class because it was a newly established class. The curriculum was not fixed yet. I heard that the teachers were trying a lot of things to teach English. I had an interest in that situation.


When I was a high school student, I went for a course specialized in English. However, I didn't like English so much and I wasn't very good at speaking English. I selected the class because it was a newly established class. The curriculum was not fixed yet. I heard that the teachers were trying a lot of things to teach it. I had an interest in that situation.

1. YOu can also use the word 'very'
2. Use an object pronoun to avoid repeating words.
I see. I understand what you mean. Did you learn English easily? You mentioned that your school was specialized in English.

Yes, it is. I attended this class for three years. I studied not only English but also other subjects like other high school students. The most impressive event was the field trip. Usually, students in Japan go to a famous tourist destination as the field trip, like Tokyo, Kyoto, Sapporo, Hiroshima. However, we went to Haneda-Airport which is one of the big airports in Japan. We visited a control tower and studied the work of the air-traffic controllers because they use English to communicate with a pilot.


Yes, it is. I attended this class for three years. I studied not only English but also other subjects like other high school students. The most impressive event was the field trip. Usually, students in Japan go to a famous tourist destination as a field trip, like Tokyo, Kyoto, Sapporo, or Hiroshima. However, we went to Haneda-Airport which is one of the big airports in Japan. We visited a control tower and studied the work of the air traffic controllers because they use English to communicate with a pilot.

1. The indefinite article (a, an) is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known.
2. This conjunction is used to link alternatives.
3. You don't need a hyphen here.
I see. That sounds interesting. Could you please tell me more about your experiences during your field trips?

These are all for my field trips honestly. By the way, I have a lot of ideas on how to improve English education in Japan. We don't have space and time to discuss it. However, if I had to answer, I want the students to use and enjoy English as their favorite thing. For example, they watch a music video on Youtube, then they try to read and post a comment in English and communicate with others all over the world. I want the teachers in the school to encourage them to do these activities.


That's all for my field trips honestly. By the way, I have a lot of ideas on how to improve English education in Japan. We don't have space and time to discuss it. However, if I had to answer, I want the students to use and enjoy English as their favorite thing. For example, they watch a music video on Youtube, then they try to read and post a comment in English and communicate with others all over the world. I want the teachers in the school to encourage them to do these activities.

1. The use of this demonstrative pronoun is more appropriate in this case.
  • graduate(卒業する)
  • major(専攻する)
  • returnee(帰国子女)
  • professor(教授)
  • educational background(学歴)
  • I graduated from a university two years ago.(私は2年前に大学を卒業しました。)
  • I majored in economics in the university.(私は大学で経済学を専攻しました。)
  • One of my favorite professors had a profound influence on my life later on.(偉大な教授の一人が、その後の私の人生に大きな影響を及ぼしました。)
  • My poor educational background did not hinder my progress.(私の貧しい学歴は出世の妨げにはなりませんでした。)
  • I should have made a greater effort in my studies during my high school days.(高校生の頃もっと勉強を頑張っておくべきでした。)


  • 日常
  • 上級
  • シーンリクエスト
  • 自己紹介
  • 雑談する