
Explaining the way to a destination to a foreign tourist.
Is this place accessible by bus?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Is this place accessible by bus?

Yes, it is. Yet, it's faster to take both a subway and a bus. We are at Asakusa now, and your destination is the University of Tokyo hospital, isn't it? You should take the Ginza line going toward Shibuya. Then, at Ueno-HIrokoji station, change to the bus, Ue-01 line, going toward the University Of Tokyo and get off at the University of Tokyo Hospital.


Yes, it is. Yet, it's faster to take both a subway and a bus. We are at Asakusa now, and your destination is the University of Tokyo Hospital, isn't it? You should take the Ginza line going toward Shibuya. Then, at Ueno-HIrokoji station, change to the bus, Ue-01 line, going toward the University Of Tokyo and get off at the University of Tokyo Hospital.

1. This is part of a proper noun, so start this with a capital letter.
Got it, thanks for the directions! Is there anything notable to see or do around the University of Tokyo Hospital area, or any recommendations for a quick stop along the way?

You might as well explore the campus. It is rich in nature and as big as 11 ballparks. School cafeterias have good reputations, ranging from affordable to famous restaurants. I recommend curry and hushed beef with rice at a Western food restaurant in the Faculty of Engineering building.


You might as well explore the campus. It is rich in nature and as big as 11 ballparks. School cafeterias have good reputations, ranging from affordable to famous restaurants. I recommend curry and hushed beef with rice at a Western food restaurant in the Faculty of Engineering building.

1. Alternative expression: you should try
Exploring the campus sounds interesting! Besides the food, any particular spots or hidden gems you'd recommend checking out on the University of Tokyo grounds?

The campus contains some impressive historic features. It has several gates, and the Red Gate, called Akamon, is the most famous. Sanshiro Pond derives from a novel of that name by Natsume Soseki, which is set around the University of Tokyo. It's worth walking along the pond. Ginkgo leaves are the university's symbol and turn yellow gracefully in the fall.


The campus contains some impressive historic features. It has several gates, and the Red Gate, called Akamon, is the most famous. Sanshiro Pond derives from a novel of that name by Natsume Soseki, which is set around the University of Tokyo. It's worth walking along the pond. Ginkgo leaves are the university's symbol and turn yellow gracefully in the fall.

1. Alternative: It will be such an experience to walk around the pond.
  • go straight(まっすぐ進んでください)
  • turn right(left) at~(〜で右(左)に曲がる)
  • take(s) ~minutes(~分掛かります)
  • next to~(~の隣に)
  • You will see~(~が見えます)
  • Go straight this way for two blocks.(この道を2ブロックまっすぐ進んでください。)
  • Turn right at the corner.(その角を右に曲がってください。)
  • The bank is next to the coffee shop.(その銀行はコーヒーショップの隣にあります。)
  • It will take five minutes by foot from here.(ここから歩いて5分かかります。)
  • Have a nice day!(良い一日をお過ごしください!)


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