
Direct Discourse direct quotes
直接話法とは、誰かの話などを「そのまま」引用したい時に使う表現です。 カンマ( , )と引用符( "" "" )を使うことで、セリフをそのまま使うことができるんです。 間接話法に比べて臨場感が出たり、その人の思ったことをそのまま口にできるのが特徴です。 He said, "Don't touch me!" 彼は「オレに触るな!」って言ったの
Please use a direct discourse.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use a direct discourse.

Well, I think the movie "Forrest Gump" is a repository of quotes, whatever it might be a direct discourse or an indirect one. You can easily find a phrase like "Mama said, bla bla bla" throughout the story. For example, as follows, "Mama always said, 'You can tell a lot about a person by their shoes'" or "Mama says, 'Stupid is as stupid does.'" All right, now I'll try to make a sentence using a direct discourse following these phrases. May I?


Well, I think the movie "Forrest Gump" is a repository of quotes, whether it might be a direct discourse or an indirect one. You can easily find a phrase like "Mama said, bla bla bla" throughout the story. For example, as follows, "Mama always said, 'You can tell a lot about a person by their shoes'" or "Mama says, 'Stupid is as stupid does.'" All right, now I'll try to make a sentence using a direct discourse following these phrases. May I?

Ok, thank you for your explanation. Yes, please continue writing your own examples of sentences on the next script.

Sure. Before my mother's death, she sometimes said, "As long as you take a broad-minded attitude to others, you don't feel ashamed to be stingy with your things." Simply put, I want to say, "Economize, but do the handsome to others." If that's the case, does my sentence make sense?


Sure. Before my mother's death, she sometimes said, "As long as you take a broad-minded attitude to others, you won't feel ashamed to be stingy with your things." Simply put, I want to say, "Economize, but treat others well." If that's the case, does my sentence make sense?

Yes, that's right. Your sentence is nicely written. It sounds that your mom did a good advice for you.

Yes, and I have carried out her advice, or at least I'm going to do it. That's why I lavishly treated you to a cup of coffee, the other day. By the way, do you remember the scene that while Forrest was running away from his bad company, the braces on his legs tore loose from his legs and he could run like the wind blows? If you have watched the movie, that is. I wish one day I could suddenly speak English with the speed like the wind blows! That's because his mother always said, "Miracles happen every day."


Yes, and I have carried out her advice, or at least I'm going to do it. That's why I lavishly treated you to a cup of coffee, the other day. By the way, do you remember the scene where Forrest was running away from his bad company, the braces on his legs tore loose from his legs, and he could run like the wind blows? If you have watched the movie, that is. I wish one day I could suddenly speak English with the speed like the wind blows! That's because his mother always said, "Miracles happen every day."

  • tell(伝える)
  • say(言う)
  • meet(会う)
  • ask(尋ねる、質問する)
  • hear(聞こえる、聞く)
  • She says, "I want to be a dancer."(彼女はダンサーになりたいと言っていました。)
  • Last night he said, "I met Jimmy yesterday."(昨夜、彼は前日にジミーに会ったと言いました。)
  • I said , "I am interested in gospel music."(私は、自分がゴスペルに興味をもっていると言いました。)
  • She said, "I am going out to eat."(彼女は、外食をすると言っていました。)
  • He said, "I can play the piano."(彼はピアノを弾けますと言いました。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 英文法
  • 話法