
The Negative Form Without Using Negative Words
必ずしも否定語を使わなくても、否定の表現をすることはできます。 too+to 不定詞は「...するには〜過ぎる」という表現で、結果として「...できない」と伝えられます。 fail to〜は「〜するのに失敗する」というニュアンスです。同じく「〜できない」という表現として使えます。 【回答例】 It is too busy to do a lot of homework. そんなに大量の課題をやるには忙し過ぎるよ My alarm failed to ring. 目覚まし時計が鳴らなかった
Please use a negative form without using negative words.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use a negative form without using negative words.

- It is free from clouds.
- I am too busy to submit assignments.
- She is anything but rich.
- Hardly did I take this work when he came back my office.


- It is free from clouds.
- I am too busy submitting assignments.
- She is anything but rich.
- Hardly did I take this work when he came back to my office.

1) We normally say "busy + verb-ing."
2) We always say "go / come + to + a place."
Good job Yosuke-san! You wrote and provided good examples above. Anyhow, let us do more exercises. Could you jot down three more sample sentences?

O.K.. I'll try it.
- I rarely go to the my branch office.
- This statics results is far from real situation.
- He had failed to complete the homework when the summer vacation ended.


O.K. I'll try it.
- I rarely go to my company's branch office.
- This statistics results is far from the real situation.
- He had failed to complete the homework when the summer vacation ended.

1) That's a more specific phrasing that you can use there.
2) That's the correct term for it.
3) We use "the" for the specific situation we're referring to there.
OK. Good job! Let us discuss. Based on your above examples, I get the impression that you are either a student or an employee in an office. Could you tell me more about yourself? Thank you.

Yes, I'm a office worker.
I have worked at a small branch office so far. Then, almost all my work is accomplished within my office, so, I rarely go to other branches.
In addition, my office is far from Tokyo.
So, I seldom go to Tokyo. However, in the last month, I had a chance to go to Tokyo, but I had got the a lot of task to have to do. In the result, I failed to go to Tokyo.


Yes, I'm an office worker.
I have worked at a small branch office so far. Then, almost all my work is accomplished within my office, so, I rarely go to other branches.
In addition, my office is far from Tokyo.
So, I seldom go to Tokyo. However, in the last month, I had a chance to go to Tokyo, but I had got    a lot of tasks    to do. As a result, I failed to go to Tokyo.

1) We use the article "a" for singular nouns starting with a consonant sound. "An" is for vowel sounds.
2) We don't need the article there.
3) We need the plural noun to agree with "a lot".
4) We can simply do away with the phrase. It's more concise that way.
5) We either phrase it that way or "In the end".
Where are you from and how far is your place from Tokyo? Is your head office located in Tokyo? Do you work in the Sales Department of your company?

I live in Hyogo pref.. It take about 3 hours from tokyo to here by bullet train or airplane. Both cost are expensive. My head quarter office is in Tokyo. I work in the facility management division. Recently, I'm too busy to go out. I'm anything but freelance.


I live in Hyogo prefecture. It takes about 3 hours from Tokyo to here by bullet train or airplane. Both cost a lot. My company's headquarter    is in Tokyo. I work in the facility management division. Recently, I'm too busy to go out. I'm anything but freelance.

1) In writing, it's suggested that you spell out words.
2) singular subject + singular verb
3) We capitalize proper nouns like names of places.
4) You can phrase it that way or "Both are expensive".
5/6) That's a better phrasing. Also, "headquarter" already connotes "office" so we don't need the word there.
I can sense that you are busy and a workaholic type of person. Anyhow, how you make sure that you have a work-life balance? Do you go on vacation and travel? Do you go to the gym or play sports with your friends?

I couldn't make sense anything but an important of work before. However, my understanding of work life balance changed recently. No person can live free from vacation. I rarely play sports with my friends, but sometimes go on vacation and travel. It amazing time for me.


I couldn't make sense of anything but the importance of work before. However, my understanding of work life balance changed recently. No person can live free from vacation. I rarely play sports with my friends, but I sometimes go on vacation and travel. It an amazing time for me.

1) We need "of" there.
2) "important" is adjective. We need the noun form there. Alternatively, you can say, "but how important work is before".
3) We need another subject after "but".
4) We always say "a/an + adjective + time."
  • fail to~(〜し損なう)
  • anything but ~(~以外ならなんでも)
  • far from~(~からほど遠い)
  • free from~(〜から免れている)
  • too ~ to...(~すぎて...できない)
  • She failed to come to the party.(彼女はあのパーティーに来れませんでした。)
  • He was too sleepy to do his homework.(彼はあまりに眠かったので、宿題ができませんでした。)
  • His story was anything but boring.(彼の話は決して退屈ではありませんでした。)
  • He is anything but a coward.(彼は決して臆病者ではない。)
  • No animal can live free from danger.(何の危険もなしに生きていける動物などいません。)


  • 日常
  • 上級
  • 英文法
  • 否定