
The Double Negative Form
二重否定とは否定の否定ということ。つまり、「〜なしで...することはない」。 「...だと必ず〜する」というように、肯定の意味を強める表現になります。 【回答例】 Nothing is impossible. 不可能なものなど何一つない He never goes out without his favorite hat. 彼はお気に入りの帽子なしで出かけることはない
Please use a double negative form.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use a double negative form.

Here are some example sentences with a double negative form;
- He never came to the meeting without being late.
- It's not unusual for our team to let him be even he repeats not to come on schedule.
- Nobody had nothing to do for him to change his behavior.


Here are some example sentences with a double negative form;
- He never came to the meeting without being late.
- It's not unusual for our team to let him be even when he repeatedly not come on schedule.
- Nobody had nothing to do for him to change his behavior.

1. When meaning to say "despite the fact that", we use "even when".
2. We need the adverb form as we're modifying a verb. Alternatively, you can say, "even when he repeats NOT COMING on schedule" (we need a gerund as the phrase functions as a direct object of the verb "repeats".
Okay, that's a good use of the double negative from. I would like you to write some more sentences. Please feel free to ask questions.

I will go on for my practice to understand how to use a double negative form.

- Working overnight is not impossible for him. He will probably finish his assignment before the due date.
- Working alone is not uncommon for him. He likes to take all control of his work.
- No one in our team is not going in the same way he prefers. They prefer to share the responsibility with a teammate and finish the task as the output of the group.


I will go on with my practice to understand how to use a double negative form.

- Working overnight is not impossible for him. He will probably finish his assignment before the due date.
- Working alone is not unheard for him. He likes to take all control of his work.
- No one in our team is not going in the same way he prefers. They prefer to share the responsibility with a teammate and finish the task as a group output.

1. We mean "continue with" what you're doing.
2. That's an alternative expression.
3. That's an alternative phrasing.
Very good! You seem to have a good grasp on how to use a double negative. Are there any questions you have? If not, continue to practice!

No, I don't have any doubt. These are additional examples as follows;

- I couldn't wait to go travel to France next week.
- He said he was not unhappy to work overnight to finish his assignment by the deadline.
- It's not impossible for a human being to reach the moon.


No, I don't have any doubt. Additional examples are as follows;

- I couldn't wait to go traveling to France next week.
- He said he was not unhappy to work overnight to finish his assignment by the deadline.
- It's not impossible for a human being to reach the moon.

1. You can phrase it that way or simply "These are additional examples." "As follows" is redundant with "these".
2. We usually say "go + verb-ing". Or, you can say, "I couldn't wait to travel to France."
Me either. I couldn't wait to listen to your French adventures. It's impossible to run out of stories once you experience life abroad! More so, if you fly to the moon and back!

Nothing is impossible for a talented man like you. You might be able to travel to space in the near future. What kind of items would you bring to a spacecraft? I know no one will never take on the shuttle without water and food. Anything else?


Nothing is beyond reach for a talented man like you. You might be able to travel to space in the near future. What kind of items would you bring to a spacecraft? I know no one will never get on the shuttle without water and food. Anything else?

1. That's an alternative expression.
2. We can use that or simply "take" as we take vehicles.
Those examples are very good. If I traveled to space, I'd like to travel comfortably and safely. So, would you like to add more?

No, it's fine. I will keep practicing and using these words in my daily life.


No, thanks. I'm good for now. I will keep practicing and using these words in my daily life.

1. That's another expression you can use there.
  • impossible(不可能なこと)
  • never(決して~ない)
  • without ~(~なしに)
  • unusual(普通でない)
  • nothing(何もない)
  • This phenomenon is not uncommon.(この現象は珍しいことではない。)
  • He never visited us without bringing a gift.(彼が私たちのところに訪ねてくる時には、必ずお土産を持ってきてくれます。)
  • Nothing is impossible for a powerful man like him.(彼のような強力な男には不可能なことはない。)
  • If you watch this movie, you will always discover something new. (この映画を観れば必ず新しいことを発見する。)
  • It's not unusual for couples to argue.(夫婦が口喧嘩するのは珍しいことではない。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 英文法
  • 否定