
The Additional Interrogative Form
付加疑問というのは、「〜だよね?」という風に、相手に同意や確認を求める表現です。 普通に平叙文を作り、後ろに軽く疑問詞を付け加えます。 回答例の前後で肯定と否定が入れ替わっていることにお気づきかと思います。何故かというと、 「〜だよね?」という表現は相手にそれが正しいかそうでないのか、どちらかを選んでもらうからです。 【回答例】 He doesn't like beer, does he? 彼ってビール好きじゃないよね? You can play tennis well, can't you? 君ってテニス上手なんだよね?
Please use an addition interrogative form.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use an addition interrogative form.

Here are some samples:
- It's too busy today, isn't it?
- Yes, I'm so exhausted to work. After today's work, let's grab some drinks, shall we?
- Sounds great! You didn't come to our office by car, did you? It's definitely illegal for drunk driving in this area.


Here are some samples:
- It's too busy today, isn't it?
- Yes, I'm so exhausted from work. After today's work, let's grab some drinks, shall we?
- Sounds great! You didn't come to our office by car, did you? It's definitely illegal to drunk drive in this area.

1. You can be exhausted from something. This version is more natural.
2. Your version sounded a bit odd - it can be illegal TO do something - this version is more appropriate.
Wow! Those are great examples. How about making interrogative forms that start with the auxiliary verbs do,does, and did. For example, "Does she like it?"

Here are some examples:
- Did you ask her to join for drinks?
- Oh, you've already asked for her, haven't you?
- Not yet. Call her to come to our favorite Italian restaurant, will you? My smartphone can't work at all.


Here are some examples:
- Did you ask her to join for drinks?
- Oh, you've already asked her, haven't you?
- Not yet. Call her to come to our favorite Italian restaurant, will you? My smartphone can't work at all.

1. You don't need this preposition here - you are asking her directly.
Alright, the first one starts with an auxiliary verb, the second and third however are examples of tag questions. How about interrogative forms that start with interrogative pronouns? For example, "What is your favorite color?"

I see what you said about my examples.
Here are some examples:
- What is your name?
- Why do you want to join our company?
- How can you contribute to our company?


I see what you said about my examples.
Here are some examples:
- What is your name? - Would you mind telling me your name?
- Why do you want to join our company?
- How can you contribute to our company?

1. This is just another, polite version of the first sentence.
That's fantastic. How about making some interrogative sentences with "not". For example, "Does she not like eating rice?"

Here are some examples:
- Has he not finished his assignment yet?
- Does he not care about it?
- Do you not think that he passes the class?


Here are some examples:
- Has he not finished his assignment yet?
- Does he not care about it?
- Do you not think that he will pass the class?

1. You are talking about something that will hypothetically happen in the future, so you should use the future tense here.
Wow! Way to go! I guess you know everything about interrogative forms already. What about using modals? For example, "Would you like some juice?"

Here are some examples:
- May I ask a question?
- Would you mind if I turn off AC in this room?
- Can you contact the manager of our client company?


Here are some examples:
- May I ask a question?
- Would you mind if I turn off the AC in this room?
- Can you contact the manager of our client company?

1. You are talking about a specific AC (the one in your room), so you need a definite article here.
  • ~, can't they?(~できるよね)
  • ~, shall we?(~しよう)
  • ~,right?(〜だよね?(文尾に付加的に right? の形で))
  • Shall we?(しましょうか?)
  • Let's not ~(~するのはやめよう)
  • Let's have a break, shall we?(ひと休みしましょうか。)
  • Call me at ten, will you?(10時に電話してくれませんか。)
  • She doesn't like coffee, does she?(彼女はコーヒーが好きではないですよね。)
  • Bring me the newspaper, will you?(新聞を持ってきてくれませんか。)
  • It's very hot today, isn't it?(今日はとても暑いですよね。)


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  • 英文法
  • 疑問詞・疑問文