
The Subjunctive Mood Without Using If
ifを用いない仮定法の代表として、ifの省略法があります。回答例を見てください。 省略法といっても大層なことではなく、語順を入れ替えるいわゆる「倒置」を使います。 ifを使った元の文をみてみましょう。 If I were you, I would receive her offer. こんな風に。ifの省略は、wereやshould、hadが文頭にくる倒置でしか使われないです。 【回答例】 Were I you, I would receive her offer. もし僕が君だったら、彼女のオファーを受けているよ
Please use a subjunctive mood without using "if".
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use a subjunctive mood without using "if".

Were I you, I would try the examination.
Had I lost my wallet, I would not have entered the party.
Were I not a student, I would not have got getting the coupon code.


Were I you, I'd try the examination.
Had I lost my wallet, I wouldn't have entered the party.
Were I not a student, I wouldn't have gotten the coupon code.

1, 2, 3. Try to use contractions to make your sentences more idiomatic.
4. This way the sentence sounds much more natural and understandable.
Well done! The subjunctive mood expresses wishes, suggestions, demands, or desires in a sentence with usually two clauses, with a verb such as wish (or suggest, demand, etc.) in one clause and a second verb in the subjunctive mood. In the sentence 'I wish I were the president' the verb 'were' is in the subjunctive mood.

O.K.. I'll continue.
Had I known, I would've gone.
Had it not rained, I would've gone.
Had I known, I should've gone.
Had I known, I could've gone.


O.K.. I'll continue.
Had I known, I would've gone.
Had it not rained, I would've gone.
Had I known, I should've gone.
Had I known, I could've gone there.

1. You can add this to extend the conversation.
You are doing great! You have a clear understanding of the subjunctive mood. Would you like to try something else? How about you show your understanding of a subjunctive past perfect tense by giving examples?

Oh, it's a nice idea.
I wouldn't have gone to bed at 8 o'clock if the light had broken.
I may have said some bad words.
He must have thought I was so shy.


Oh, it's a nice idea.
I wouldn't have gone to bed at 8 o'clock if the light had broken.
I may have said some bad words.
He must've thought I was so shy.

1. Try to use contractions to make your sentences more idiomatic.
You have made some excellent sentences here, great job! Would you like to continue practicing grammar?

Yes, I do.
The chairwoman of the lower house insisted that he resign as congressman.
The contract requires that the rent be paid by the last day of each month.
The Referee supposed that the game be put off.
It is very urgent that we rescue endangered passengers in the train.


Yes, I do.
The chairwoman of the lower house insisted that he resign as a congressman.
The contract requires that the rent must be paid by the last day of each month.
The referee supposed that the game was put off.
It's very urgent that we rescue endangered passengers on the train.

1. When talking about a more general term or when mentioning something for the first time, use the indefinite article.
2. This way the sentence sounds much more natural and understandable.
3. This word is correctly spelled like this.
4. It seems that this form of this verb should have been used here.
5. Try to use contractions to make your sentences more idiomatic.
6. Use this preposition when expressing figurative placement or attachment.
You have made some excellent sentences again, great job! Would you like to continue practicing grammar one more time?

I have to continue practicing grammar harder.
Did I study English more, I could speak English more fluently.
Had I studied English more, I could have spoken English more fluently at the interview.


I have to continue practicing grammar harder.
Had I studied English more, I could've spoken English more fluently.
Had I studied English more, I could've spoken English more fluently at the interview.

1, 2. I believe that this is what you wanted to say.
3. Try to use contractions to make your sentences more idiomatic.
  • without~(~がなければ、)
  • but for~(~がなければ、)
  • with~(~があれば、)
  • In your place(君の立場であれば)
  • otherwise(もしそうでなければ)
  • With time, this project would succeed.(時間があれば、この計画はうまくいくのだが。)
  • To hear him talk, you would think he knew all about the secret.(彼の話を聞いていると、まるで秘密を知り尽くしているかのようだ。)
  • An honest man would not make excuses.(正直な人であれば、言い訳はしないだろうに。)
  • Without your help, he would fail again.(あなたの助けがなければ、彼はまた失敗するだろう。)
  • I followed my teacher's advice; otherwise, I would have failed the exam.(先生の助言に従った、さもなければ試験に失敗していただろう。)


  • 日常
  • 上級
  • 英文法
  • 仮定法