
The Subjunctive Past Perfect Mood
まずは、回答例を見てみましょう。 このように仮定法過去完了では、過去に起きた事実と違うことが起きた場合の話ができます。 過去のことを表すので、ifの中は過去形。推量のwouldを時制を合わせて対応します。 【回答例】 He would have lost his iPhone if she had not found it. もし彼女が彼のiPhoneを見つけてなかったら、彼は失くしてただろうな
Please use a subjunctive past perfect mood.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use a subjunctive past perfect mood.

I would have not achieved my target score if she had not taught me English every day.


I would have not achieved my target score if she had not taught me English daily.

1. Your sentence is fine. This is an alternative way to structure it.
Great to hear that! How much time did you spend together working on your English? Will you keep on improving your English?

I spent 1 and half year to reach my target score. Yes, I would like to keep practicing English.


I took one and a half years to reach my target score. Yes, I would like to keep practicing English.

1. Use the plural noun "years" since you are referring to more than one year.
What methods do you use in learning? Do you watch English movies or read articles in English? What is the most difficult thing for you about learning English?

I just used past question collection of exam. I often read academic journals in English too. The most difficult thing is grammar.


I just used a collection of past exam questions. I often read academic journals in English too. The most difficult thing is grammar.

1. Changed the word order to make the sentence flow idiomatic.
  • if~(もし〜なら)
  • would(~するだろうに)
  • could (~できるのに)
  • had~(~を持っていたら)
  • have loved(愛していたら)
  • If she'd taken the medicine, she would've recovered more quickly.(その薬を飲んでいたら、彼女はもっと早く回復しただろう。)
  • If it hadn't rained yesterday, we could've played tennis.(もし昨日雨が降っていなかったら、テニスができたのに。)
  • If she had loved me, she would have accepted my present.(もしあのとき彼女が僕を愛していたら、僕のプレゼントを受け取っただろうに。)
  • If I'd left ten minutes earlier, I wouldn't have missed the train.(もし10分早く出発していたら、列車に乗り遅れることはなかっただろうに。)
  • She would have died if the climber had not found her.(もしその登山者が彼女を見つけていなかったら、彼女は死んでいただろう。)


  • 日常
  • 上級
  • 英文法
  • 仮定法