
Comparative Sentences
比較級とは、その名の通り他と比較したい時に使う表現です。 比較級には大きく分けて①「〜より...だ」と②「〜と同じくらい...だ」という2つの表現方法があります。 ①「〜より...だ」 ①を表す比較級には基本的な「-er」型と形容詞にlyが+された副詞にみられる「more型」、どちらでもない「不規則変化型」があります。 ・high-higher (基本的な「-er」型) ・slowly-more slowly (形容詞にlyが+された副詞にみられる「more型」) ・good-better (どちらでもない「不規則変化型」) これらの変化は明確なルールがなくネイティヴでも迷う表現ですが、2音節以上の語はかなりの場合more型に当てはまりますので、頭に入れておきましょう。 ②「〜と同じくらい...だ」 基本的にはas-asという表現が使われます。 形容詞や副詞をasでサンドすることで成り立つ表現です。 【回答例】 His cooking is better than ever before. 彼の料理は前よりよくなったね The boy is as tall as me. あの子、僕と同じくらいの背だ
Please use a comparative sentence.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use a comparative sentence.

*My mother is not as tall as my father.
*I have to write a report more than 10pages.
*The least thing I know is she had gone her house yesterday.


*My mother is not as tall as my father.
*I have to write more than 10 pages of a report.
*The least thing I know is she went to her house yesterday.

1. The wording "write a report more than 10pages" is not usually used. We could use "write more than 10 pages of a report".
2. We need the simple past tense to talk about something that happened once in the past.
3. The preposition 'to' is required here. We commonly use the structure 'to go to a place'.
These are great examples of comparative sentences. How about using the words "better" and "worse" next?

Thank you for your advice!

*I'm better at playing tennis than my sister.

*The more I took actions, the more the condition seem to worse.

*I know better than to do my homework just in time for the deadline.


Thank you for your advice!

*I'm better at playing tennis than my sister.

*The more I took action, the more the condition seem to worsen.

*I know better than to do my homework just in time for the deadline.

1. "action" in "take action" is usually uncountable, so we don't need to pluralize it.
2. "Worse" is an adjective but we need a verb here. We could use "worsen".
Awesome! You're doing great! Let's continue making more sentences as a practice. You may go on writing.

I'd like to write about a short passege, using the comparative sentences.
Title:The mountain is higher than Mt. Everest

You may think Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world.But there is a mountain which is higher than Mt. Everest.It is Mauna Kea, which is in Hawaii.It talls about ten thousand kilometers high from sea bottom.
There are many thinking of which mountains is the highest in the world,
Mauna Kea is one of the mountains.


I'd like to write    a short passage, using    comparative sentences.
Title: The mountain is higher than Mt. Everest

You may think Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. But there is a mountain which is higher than Mt. Everest. It is Mauna Kea, which is in Hawaii. It is about ten thousand kilometers high from the sea bottom.
There are many ideas about which mountain is the highest in the world,
Mauna Kea is one of the mountains.

1. The preposition "about" is not required here.
2. Proper spelling of the word.
3. The article "the" is not required. The text refers to "comparative sentences" in general.
4. "talls" is not used. We could use the verb "is".
5. We use the definite article "the" in front of a noun when we believe the listener/reader knows exactly which specific noun we are referring to. You're referring to a specific noun, specific 'bottom', so we need the definite article 'the' here.
6. "thinkings of" is not usually used here. We could use "ideas about".
7. We need the singular noun "mountain" with the singular verb "is".
  • A as 原級 as B(AはBと同じくらい〜だ)
  • A ... 比較級 than B(AはBより〜だ)
  • better(より良い)
  • worse(より悪い)
  • more(より多くの)
  • My father is as tall as me.(私の父と私は同じぐらい背が高い。)
  • That boy runs faster than that girl.(その男の子はその女の子より走るのが速い。)
  • The problem became more and more serious.(その問題はますます深刻になった。)
  • That baby is twice as heavy as that cat.(あの赤ちゃんは、あの猫の2倍の重さがあります。)
  • The sooner, the better.(早ければ早いほどよい。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 英文法
  • 比較