
The Present Participle
現在分詞はその名の通り、現在を表す分詞の表現となります。 回答例だと、現在分詞はthe guy runningという風に、 「する側」「する行為」を表す能動的な表現になります。 【回答例】 Who is the guy running away? 走っていった男の人は誰?
Please use the present participle.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use the present participle.

All right. This time, please allow me to practice participle clauses. How about these ones: "Getting up in the early morning, I noticed it was raining heavily" and "Sitting on a chair, he told me about his strange experience"? By the way, recently I've found a very strong supporter of the English grammar. Her name is Mary Norris and she was a copy editor for the magazine, "The New Yorker." She is dubbed a "Comma Queen." Now, please let me tell you about her explanations related to participles. May I?


All right. This time, please allow me to practice participle clauses. How about these ones: "Getting up in the early morning, I noticed it was raining heavily" and "Sitting on a chair, he told me about his strange experience". By the way, recently I've found a very strong supporter of    English grammar. Her name is Mary Norris and she was a copy editor for the magazine, "The New Yorker." She is dubbed the "Comma Queen." Now, please let me tell you about her explanations related to participles. May I?

1. No article needed to refer to something in general.
2. Use "the" to refer to a specific noun.
Well done you're doing a great job, yes please tell me about her explanations. The more you practice the more you improve.

Certainly. Quoting the following sentence, she points out a problem in grammar: "Seeing an artistic gymnast, Simone Biles, next to her competition at Pacific Rims, it seemed as if Isaac Newton had written a different set of laws on her behalf." Can you guess what is the grammatical problem with this sentence? For your information, she calls the problem the "dangling participle." Just to make things clear, I made a sentence using a participle "quoting."


Certainly. Quoting the following sentence, she points out a problem in grammar: "Seeing an artistic gymnast, Simone Biles, next to her competition at Pacific Rims, it seemed as if Isaac Newton had written a different set of laws on her behalf." Can you guess what the grammatical problem is with this sentence? For your information, she calls the problem the "dangling participle." Just to make things clear, I made a sentence using a participle "quoting."

1. This is the correct word order.
O wow, that sounds very interesting. It looks like you are really deep in that matter. Could you tell a bit more about "dangling participle" please?

Thank you for the compliment, but I'm afraid that we're not on the same page and what's more you carry the joke too far. All right, as you advised me, I'll try writing more present participle sentences. (Mr./Ms. correction teacher, please keep unchanged the parts which are related to the story line and please let me ask your opinion about Mary Norris's quote, if you like.)


Thank you for the compliment, but I'm afraid that we're not on the same page and what's more you carry the joke too far. All right, as you advised me, I'll try writing more present participle sentences. (Mr./Ms. correction teacher, please keep unchanged the parts that are related to the story line and please let me ask your opinion about Mary Norris's quote, if you like.)

1. "That" is used to indicate a specific object, item, person, condition, etc., while "which" is used to add information to objects, items, people, situations, etc. Because "which" indicates a non-restrictive (optional) clause, it is usually set off by commas before "which" and at the end of the clause.
  • keep ~ing(〜し続ける)
  • Frankly speaking,(率直に言えば)
  • go shopping(買い物に行く)
  • be busy ~ing(〜するのに忙しい)
  • have trouble ~ing(〜するのに苦労する)
  • We saw an elderly person crossing the street.(私たちは老人が道を横切っているのを見た。)
  • They went swimming in the river.(彼らはその川に泳ぎに行った。)
  • Judging from his remarks, he must really like her.(彼の発言から判断すると、彼は彼女のことが好きにちがいない。)
  • There is a car coming.(車が来ている。)
  • I kept waiting for the bus.(私はバスを待ち続けました。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 英文法
  • 分詞