
The Gerund in a Passive Voice
動名詞には受動態の形があり、「~されること」を表現する際に使われます。 「being+過去分詞」が基本的な形です。シンプルですよ。 【回答例】 She doesn't like being called baby. 彼女はベイビーと呼ばれることが好きではない
Please use the gerund of the passive voice.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use the gerund of the passive voice.

I like being called a Japanese empress.
My elder son doesn't like being ordered like that.
My daughter hate being scolded by her class teacher.


I like being called a Japanese empress.
My elder son doesn't like being ordered like that.
My daughter hates being scolded by her class teacher.

1. Subject-verb agreement: my daughter (singular) + hates.
Thank you for writing good sentences. You are doing well. Please go on and write more sentences using the gerund of the passive voice.

I'm afraid of being barked at by that dog.
I'm afraid of being farted by that skunk.
I disdain being called a moderate person.


I'm afraid of being barked at by that dog.
I'm afraid of being farted by that skunk.
I disdain being called a moderate person.

1. Here are some alternative expressions: scared, frightened, spooked.
2. Here's another way to write your sentence: I can't stand being called a moderate person.
Wow, you have captured the grammar point well in all your sentences. Please continue with your sentence construction.

I don't like being cramped because of being in a narrow place.
I'm scared of being exposed to a crisis.
The machine is capable of being maintained.


I don't like being cramped because of being in a narrow place.
I'm scared of being exposed to a crisis.
The machine is capable of being maintained.

1. Here are some alternative expressions: constricted, confined, squeezed, packed/squashed like sardines.
2. Here are some alternative expressions: well-kept, apple-pie order, well-looked-after.
  • being + 過去分詞(〜されること)
  • being called (〜と呼ばれること)
  • being treated (〜と扱われること)
  • being spoken(話しかけられること)
  • being seen(見られること)
  • That boy doesn't like being treated as a child.(その男の子は子供として扱われるのが好きではない。)
  • He doesn’t like being ordered like that.(彼はそのように命令されるのが好きではない。)
  • I like being treated as an independent.(私は自立した人として扱われるのが好きだ。)
  • Nobody likes to be disturbed when they're sleeping.(寝ている間に邪魔されるのを好む人はいない。)
  • My dog left home without being seen by anyone.(私の犬は誰にも見られずに家を出て行った。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 英文法
  • 動名詞