
The Passive Voice present or past
受動態の基本的な形は「be動詞+過去分詞」になります。 現在のことがらを表したければ、isやare。 過去のことがらにはwasやwereが使われます。 能動態の例はこちら。 He broke that door. 彼はドアを壊した 受動態は回答例を確認してください。 【回答例】 That door was broken by him. あのドアは彼によって壊された
Please use the passive voice of present or past.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use the passive voice of present or past.

The house was made by my father. I've been living there since I was born.


This house was built by my father. I've been living there since I was born.

Very good sentence and very interesting! Could you create two more sentences using the passive voice of the present or past tense?

A iPhone that is using in the world was made by Steve jobs.
The book was written by one of my favorite writer whose name is Haruki Murakami.


An iPhone that is used in the world was made by Steve Jobs.
The book was written by one of my favorite writers whose name is Haruki Murakami.

Good! Good sentences. Do you like having an iPhone? What do you like most about the house that your father built?

Yes, The iPhone has a lot of function: mail, phone, web, game and so on. I love to use it.


Yes, the iPhone has a lot of functions: mail, phone, web, game and so on. I love using it.

  • am / is / are + 過去分詞(〜される)
  • was / were + 過去分詞(〜された)
  • get + 過去分詞(〜になった)
  • It is said that ~(〜だと言われている)
  • be surprised at~(〜に驚く)
  • English is spoken all over the world.(英語は世界中で話されている。)
  • The door was repaired by him.(そのドアは彼によって修理された。)
  • It is said that he is rich.(彼は金持ちだと言われている。)
  • My (cell) phone broke after dropping it in water.(水の中に落として私の携帯電話は壊れた。)
  • I was shocked at the news.(私はその知らせにショックを受けた。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 英文法
  • 受動態