
Auxiliary Verbs describing possibility or guess
可能性や推量を表す助動詞には何があるでしょうか。 代表的なものには大きく3種類の助動詞があります。 基本的に主語と動詞の間にクッションのように挟んでいきます。 ①may/might 「〜かもしれない」という推量を表します。mayで可能性は大体50%。 mightを使うとそれよりもうちょっと低いパーセンテージになります。 ②can/could canは「〜できる」の他にも「(理論上)〜しうる」という可能性を表せます。 couldを使えば「〜かもしれない」と個人の推量を表現できます。 ③will/would willは「おそらく〜だろう」というニュアンスで、mayより可能性は高くなります。 wouldになるとより丁寧なニュアンスになり、willより自信もなくなります。 それぞれの微妙なニュアンスの違いを理解し、使いこなしていきましょう。 【回答例】 You may be right. 君は正しいかもしれない You can get it free if you like. もしよかったら、それタダであげるよ It will rain tomorrow. 明日はきっと雨だな
Please use an auxiliary verb which describes possibility or a guess.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use an auxiliary verb which describes possibility or a guess.

You could be a great man, however, nowadays you are losing your way.


You could be a great man, however, nowadays you are losing your way.

1. An alternative that can be interchanged with the word "however" is "though".
You have made an excellent sentence here, great job! Would you like to continue practicing grammar?

I want to start a conversation with you by using this grammar.


I want to start a conversation with you   using this grammar.

1. The word "by" is not necessary here.
You have good word arrangement skills. You may go ahead and start the conversation with me using this grammar.

It is because, if trains are late, people will be late for school or job. _I do not know village _things, but I think so. Rain is a very big issue for people, but also a treasure.


It is because, if trains are late, people will be late for school or work. I do not know much about things from the village, but I think so. Rain is a very big issue for people, but also a treasure.

1. It is more natural t say "people will be late for work", than job.
2. The underscore is not necessary here.
3. This is a better and natural way of expressing this point.
  • can (〜はあり得る)
  • may (〜かもしれない)
  • will / would (たぶん〜だろう)
  • must(そうに違いない)
  • should / ought to(きっと〜のはずだ)
  • Anybody can make mistakes.(だれにだって失敗はありうる。)
  • The boy may have a cold.(あの男の子は風邪をひいているかもしれない。)
  • You will be better tomorrow.(明日には良くなっていると思うよ。)
  • That girl must be your daughter!(あの女の子はあなたの娘に違いない。)
  • I'm sure they will be here within a few minutes.(彼らは数分後にきっとここに来るはずだ。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 英文法
  • 助動詞