
The Future Perfect Tense
未来完了形はある未来の時点を、それ以前とむすびつけて予測するときに使います。 時点が未来になったというだけで、基本的には現在完了形と考え方は一緒です。 「来月の時点で試験はどうなっているか」について表現ができます。 現在完了形と同じく、「〜したことになる(経験)」、「〜している(継続)」、「〜だろう(結果)」などの使い方ができます。 【回答例】 The exam will have finished by next month. 来月には試験が終わっているぞ
Please use the future perfect tense.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use the future perfect tense.

The party will have finished by tomorrow.


The party will have finished by tomorrow.

1. Here is an alternative expression. "on the morrow".
This is a very good constructed sentence. Please continue writing more sentences using the future perfect tense.

The school week will have finished by this week.


The school week will have finished by this week.

1. Here is an alternative expression. "not later than"
You are doing great. Please continue with your exercise. The correction teacher will make the necessary corrections.

The shops campaign will have finished by next week.


The shop's campaign will have finished by next week.

1. Add an apostrophe and "s" to "shop" to form a possessive noun. A possessive form is a word or grammatical construction used to indicate a relationship of possession in a broad sense. This can include strict ownership or a number of other types of relation to a greater or lesser degree analogous to it.
You are coming up with such great answers, so I want to give you a little challenge. Answer this question using future perfect tense: Before the day ends tomorrow, what are the things thay you will have to accomplish?

The room will have been cleaned by the end of the day tomorrow .


The room will have been cleaned by the end of the day tomorrow.

1. There should be no space between a sentence and its ending punctuation, whether that's a period, a question mark, or an exclamation mark. There should also be no space before a colon, semicolon, or comma.
You're doing great. Can you try an example of the negative future perfect tense. For example something that expect not to happen by tomorrow?

Okay. The world will have not been vanished by tomorrow.


Okay. The world will not have been destroyed by tomorrow.

1. Rephrased this part of the sentence to make the sentence idiomatic.
  • will have + 過去分詞((未来のある時点までに)〜しているだろう)
  • will have + 過去分詞((未来のある時点までには)〜したことになるだろう)
  • will have + 過去分詞((未来のある時点まで)ずっと〜していることになるだろう)
  • will have been ~ing((未来のある時点まで)ずっと〜し続けているだろう)
  • will have finished((未来のある時点で)〜を終えているだろう)
  • I will have finished my homework by tomorrow.(明日までには宿題を終えているだろう。)
  • He will have been to Osaka three times if he goes there again.(また大阪に行けば3回は行っているだろう。)
  • They will have been married for ten years next month.(彼らは来月結婚して10年になります。)
  • By next year, he will have been working for the company for twenty years.(彼は来年でその会社に20年勤めたことになる。)
  • I will not have my room cleaned by next Sunday.(私は日曜日までに自分の部屋を掃除し終わっていないでしょう。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 英文法
  • 時制