
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense
過去完了進行形はある過去の時点まで、動作が継続していた時に使える表現です。基本的に「had been 〜ing」で表せます。例えば、 I had been studying for five hours when I finished my homework. ー宿題を終えた時には、5時間も勉強しっぱなしだった。 他にも継続していた行動の余韻にひたっているときにも使えます。 I was impressed because I had been watching the great movie. ー素晴らしい映画を見ていたので、感動したよ。
Please use the past perfect continuous tense.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use the past perfect continuous tense.

I want to show my understanding of the past perfect continuous tense and the past continuous tense.

It was very noisy next door yesterday.
My neighbours were having a karaoke party.
I couldn't sleep well.

My grandmother and I went for a walk.
Surprisingly, I had trouble keeping up with her since she was walking so fast.
I don't want to lose her yet.

Sherry was sitting on the ground and out of breath.
She had been running.

When I arrived, everybody was sitting around the table with their mouth full.
They were eating.


I want to show my understanding of the past perfect continuous tense and the past continuous tense.

Yesterday it was very noisy next door.
My neighbors were having a karaoke party.
I couldn't sleep well.

My grandmother and I went for a walk.
Surprisingly, I had trouble keeping up with her since she was walking so fast.
I don't want to lose her yet.

Sherry was sitting on the ground and out of breath.
She had been running.

When I arrived, everybody was sitting around the table with their mouths full.
They were eating.

1. This is the appropriate word order to use in order to clearly express your idea
2. This is the correct spelling for the word you intended to use here.
3. Fix the agreement mistake here by making use of the plural form. You are referring to a plural noun.
You gave excellent examples. I would like to see more sentences with these two tenses. Please continue.

Thank you!

When I arrived, everybody was sitting around the table and talking.
Their mouth was empty, but their stomach was full.
They had been eating.
I wanted them to leave some for me!

Dan was on his hands and knees on the floor.
He was looking for his contact lens.


Thank you!

When I arrived, everybody was sitting around the table and talking.
Their mouths were empty, but their stomachs were full.
They had been eating.
I wanted them to leave some for me!

Dan was on his hands and knees on the floor.
He was looking for his contact lens.

1&3. Fix the agreement mistake here by making use of the plural form. You are referring to a plural noun.
2&4. Make use of the plural verb form since you are referring to a plural noun.
You are doing great! Keep up the good work! Let's write more sentences using the past perfect continuous.

When I arrived, Ellie was waiting for me.
She was upset with me since I was late and she had been waiting for a long time.

I was so sad when I sold my car.
I had had it for a long time.

We were exhausted at the end of our trip.
We had been travelling for more then 24 hours.


When I arrived, Ellie was waiting for me.
She was upset with me since I was late and she had been waiting for a long time.

I was so sad when I sold my car.
I had owned it for a long time.

We were exhausted at the end of our trip.
We had been traveling for more than a day.

1&2. This is the correct spelling for the word you intended to use here.
3. Great work, you can also make use of these words to express the same idea.
  • had been ~ing((過去のある時点まで)〜していた)
  • had been waiting((過去のある時点まで)待ち続けていた)
  • had been running((過去のある時点まで)走り続けていた)
  • had been working((過去のある時点まで)働き続けていた)
  • Had been watching((過去のある時点まで)働き続けていた)
  • The students had been studying for an hour before the bell rang.(生徒達はチャイムが鳴るまで、1時間英語の勉強を続けていた。)
  • We had been playing baseball for two hours before it began to rain.(私たちは雨が降り出すまで2時間野球をしていた。)
  • I had already been cleaning my room for thirty minutes by the time my mother came home.(母が帰宅した時、私は既に30分間自分の部屋を掃除していた。)
  • She had been waiting for him for an hour when he called her.(彼が彼女に連絡した時、彼女は彼を1時間ずっと待ち続けていた。)
  • My father was so tired because he had been working very hard.(私の父はたいへん懸命に働いたので、とても疲れていた。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 英文法
  • 時制