
The Past Perfect Tense
過去完了形は現在完了形を過去に移した状態の表現方法です。 「その時まで」にどういう経緯を経て至ったかを説明するケースで使えます。 逆に言うと、過去のある時点が明らかであり、それ以前を表したい場合のみにしか使えられないのが過去完了形です。 使い方としては、had + 過去分詞で表します。 【回答例】 The baseball game had already begun when I got to the stadium. 野球の試合は、スタジアムに着いた時すでに始まってしまっていた
Please use the past perfect tense.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use the past perfect tense.

She had already finished her homework before her friends arrived.


She had already finished her homework by the time her friends arrived.

1. This is a more natural way of writing this phrase.
What a good student! It's best to finish schoolwork before hanging out with anyone. This is a great example. Please continue.

By the time I got to the cinema, the movie had already started.


By the time I got to the cinema, the movie had already started.

1. Everything is correct, an alternative word you can use here is ''begun''.
I always want to be seated and comfortable before the movie starts. Please continue to construct sentences using the past perfect tense.

Before the movie had begun, I had sat in my seat.


Before the movie had begun, I had sat in my seat.

1. Everything is correct, an alternative word you can use here is ''commenced''.
That's good. Well done. Are there more ideas in your mind that you would like to write about? Please continue.

They had lived in that house for ten years before they decided to move.


They had lived in that house for ten years before they decided to move.

1. Everything is correct, an alternative word you can use here is ''resided''.
You're doing great on this writing task. Could you please continue writing more sentences in the past perfect tense?

He had studied French for several years before he traveled to Paris.


He had studied French for several years before he traveled to Paris.

1. Everything is correct, an alternative way of writing this phrase is ''...went on a trip to Paris.''.
  • had + 過去分詞((過去のある時点で)〜していた)
  • had + 過去分詞((過去のある時点まで)ずっと〜であった)
  • had + 過去分詞((過去のある時点よりも以前に)〜した)
  • had lost((過去のある時点よりも以前に)〜をなくした)
  • had been ~((過去のある時点よりも以前に)〜の状態だった)
  • When I met him yesterday, he had been sick for two days.(昨日彼に会った時、彼は2日間体調が悪かった。)
  • When I came home, she had already left the house.(私が家に帰った時、彼女はすでに家を出ていた。)
  • I had lost my wallet before I bought a bag.(バッグを買う前に財布を無くしてしまった。)
  • We had lived in Tokyo for three years before we moved to Fukuoka.(私たちは福岡に引っ越す前まで、3年間東京に住んでいた。)
  • I had never spoken to a foreigner before I went abroad. (海外に行くまで一度も外国人と話したことがなかった。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 英文法
  • 時制