
The Future Continuous Tense
未来進行形は進行形をベースに、「〜しているだろう」という先を考えて見通しているニュアンスが加わります。 更に未来進行形(will be 〜ing)は、be ~ingに比べて丁寧な響きをもちます。 直接的な表現から少し距離を置いたニュアンスが出ますね。 【回答例】 I will be playing tennis at this time next week. 来週のこの時間はきっとテニスしてるよ Will you be going to meet him? 彼にお会いになる予定ですか?
Please use the future continuous tense.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use the future continuous tense.

Will you be going to meet him?


Will you be meeting him?

1. We can also use this sentence structure to form future continuous tense.
Yes. I will surely meet him. How about you? What are you doing later? Are you meeting your friends?

I will be meeting my colleagues after this meeting. We will be hanging out.


I will be meeting my colleagues after this meeting. We will be hanging out.

1. We can also use ''will hang'' as a simpler version of this predicate.
That's nice! Where are you meeting them? What will your be doing together? Are you going out for a drink?

I am meeting with them at the conference room in the ABC hotel. We will be running first. After that, we will going out for a drink. Will you join us?


I am meeting with them at the conference room of the ABC hotel. We will go for a run first. After that, we will go out for a drink. Will you join us?

1. We need to use the preposition ''of'' to define that this conference room belongs to the hotel;
2. We need to use this sentence structure to define that you all will go for a jog together;
3. We need to use the future simple to correctly define this action.
I want to but what time will you be running? If it matches my schedule, then I will join you. I haven't drunk alcohol in a while.

We plan running at 7 pm tonight. Why don't you drink alcohol for us?


We plan to go for a run at 7 p.m. tonight. Why don't you drink alcohol with us?

1. We need to use this phrasing to correctly express what you plan to do at 7 PM;
2. We can define time as ''PM'' or ''p.m.'';
3. We need to use the preposition ''with'' to define that you will all drink together; if you use ''for'' it means that this person will drink all the alcohol instead of you.
That's perfect! I'm free by 5PM so I have time to prepare. So where are we going to meet? How many friends of yours are joining?

Great! We can meet at the ABC hospital at 7 pm. Around 20 people who are included my friends and acquaintances will be joining! Looking forward to seeing you later!


Great! We can meet at the ABC hospital at 7 p.m.. Around 20 people including my friends and acquaintances will be joining us! Looking forward to seeing you later!

1. We can define time as ''PM'' or ''p.m.'';
2. We need to use this phrasing to correctly define who these 20 people are;
3. We need to insert ''us'' to define who these people will be meeting.
  • won't be ~ing(〜していないだろう)
  • will be going to〜(〜することになるだろう)
  • will be ~ing(〜しているだろう)
  • will be studying(勉強しているだろう)
  • will you be ~ing?(〜していますか?)
  • It will be raining at about 9 a.m. tomorrow.(明日の午前9時頃は雨が降っているだろう。)
  • Will you be going to the shopping mall this afternoon?(今日の午後にショッピングセンターに行きますか?)
  • I won't be playing soccer tomorrow morning.(明日の午前中はサッカーをしていないだろう。)
  • He will be driving a car this afternoon.(彼は今日の午後に車を運転しているだろう。)
  • I will be meeting her at the station next week.(私は来週彼女と駅で会うことになっている。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 英文法
  • 時制