
The Future Tense
未来形は文字通り「未来」を表す表現です。 「未来」といってもまだ現実に起こっていない、曖昧な時制なので、様々なスタイルで表すことが可能です。 代表的な例にはwill やbe going to といった表現方法があります。この2例の違いに神経質にならなくても構いませんが、 やはり違う表現の分、ニュアンスも異なります。willには「〜だろう(予測)」と「〜する(意思)」という意味が込められています。 対して、be going toは「するつもりでいた」「このままいけば...」という流れの意味があります。 【回答例】 It will rain tomorrow. 明日きっと雨が降るよ I will help him. 僕は彼を助けるよ It is going to rain tonight. 今夜は(このままいけば)雨が降りそうだ I am going to help him. 僕が彼を助けるよ(その準備もできてる)
Please use the future tense.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use the future tense.

I want to practise using "will".

Following words and phrases are often used with "will".


A: I'll probably be home late tonight.
B: Oh, I see. Will you need dinner?
A: No, I think I will eat out.

"I expect"

A: Will Ellie come to the party?
B: Um, I don't expect she will come since she doesn't like the crowd.

I expect that my grade will be excellent this semester.

"I'm sure"
Don't worry about the exam.
I'm sure you'll pass.
I know how much you had been studying? studied? for it.


I want to practice using "will".

Following words and phrases are often used with "will".


A: I'll probably be home late tonight.
B: Oh, I see. Will you need dinner?
A: No, I think I will eat out.

"I expect"

A: Will Ellie come to the party?
B: Um, I don't expect she will come since she doesn't like the crowd.

I expect that my grade will be excellent this semester.

"I'm sure"
Don't worry about the exam.
I'm sure you'll pass.
I know how much you have been studying __ for it.

Excellent work! There are only a few changes we need to make:
1) just a spelling correction
2, 3) it's more natural to use the present perfect tense here since this event (the studying) is still happening (the person has not yet passed the exam). We need the active form ("have been studying") because "you" (the pronoun) is the active subject.
Those are great sentences you made in the future tense. Kindly continue with sentences in the future tense, please.

Thank you for your comment.

 "I think"

I bought a present for Dan.
Do you think he will like it?

I don't think today's class will take 90 minutes.
I think just 30 minutes.

"I guess"
I guess it will take more than a month to cure your symptom.

"I suppose"
I don't suppose get back together with him and I agree with her.

"I doubt"
I doubt he will come here.
I've heard that he said that he didn't want to see Emily.

We got lost.
I doubt we'll get there in time.


Thank you for your comment.

 "I think"

I bought a present for Dan.
Do you think he will like it?

I don't think today's class will take 90 minutes.
I think just 30 minutes.

"I guess"
I guess it will take more than a month to cure your symptom.

"I suppose"
I don't suppose I will get back together with him and I agree with her.

"I doubt"
I doubt he will come here.
I've heard that he said that he didn't want to see Emily.

We got lost.
I doubt we'll get there in time.

Excellent, this is nearly perfect!
1) just a small correction here, but there seems to be a missing verb so I added it
You are doing so well with the sentences you're constructing. I would like to read more so please continue.

"I wonder"

This ring is so cool.
I wonder how much this ring will cost.

I worry about those people who lost their jobs.
I wonder some companies or government will help them.

The point is "I hope" doesn't go with not "will" but the present tense.

I hope Sarah passes the exam.

I hope my English improves.

I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.

I'm going to a party tomorrow night.
Would you like to come, too?

I think Sherry will get another job soon since she has a lot of experiences.


"I wonder"

This ring is so cool.
I wonder how much this ring will cost.

I worry about those people who lost their jobs.
I wonder if some companies or government will help them.

The point is "I hope" doesn't go with __ "will" but the present tense.

I hope Sarah passes the exam.

I hope my English improves.

I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.

I'm going to a party tomorrow night.
Would you like to come, too?

I think Sherry will get another job soon since she has a lot of experience.

1) "if" is needed here; we wonder "if" something will happen
2) since we already used the negative form of the verb "doesn't go", we don't need the negative "not". This creates something called a double negative, which is often grammatically redundant or confusing, so we should just use one negative form
3) this is a mass noun, so we cannot express it in the plural; instead, we just say "a lot of experience"
Well done! It seems you totally understood the usage of the future tense. Would you like to add some more sentences?

I would like to add a little more.

I can't phone you tonight.
My friends are coming over.

Have you decided where to go on vacation?
-Yes, I'm going to Italy.

Don't be afraid of the dog.
It won't hurt you.
-Really? I'm not good at playing pets.

Why don't you try on this skirt?
I think it will look nice on you.

I really want you to meet Elie sometime.
I think you will like her.

It's raining. Don't go out.
You will get wet.

The sky is dark and cloudy.
Do you think it will rain?


I would like to add a little more.

I can't phone you tonight.
My friends are coming over.

Have you decided where to go on vacation?
-Yes, I'm going to Italy.

Don't be afraid of the dog.
It won't hurt you.
-Really? I'm not good at playing with pets.

Why don't you try on this skirt?
I think it will look nice on you.

I really want you to meet Elie sometime.
I think you will like her.

It's raining. Don't go out.
You will get wet.

The sky is dark and cloudy.
Do you think it will rain?

Excellent again!
1) we just need to add "with" here; we play "with" someone (in this case, a pet)
Those are some excellent examples. Could you tell me about your weekend plans using the future tense?

Yes, I could.

I will take Best Teacher's class and call my friends live in Vietnam.
How about you?

The meeting is still going on.
I wonder when it will finish.


Yes, I could.

I will take Best Teacher's class and call my friends who live in Vietnam.
How about you?

The meeting is still going on.
I wonder when it will finish.

1) we should use the pronoun "who" here to start a relative clause that describes the noun "friends".

Well done! Keep up the good work and enjoy your lessons :)
  • buy(買う)
  • join(加わる)
  • will ~(〜するつもりだ)
  • be going to ~(〜する予定だ)
  • take care of ~(〜の世話をする)
  • I will go to school today.(私は明日学校へ行くつもりです。)
  • I'm going to take care of my son tomorrow.(明日は息子の世話をする予定なんだ。)
  • Are you going to join the basketball club?(バスケットボール部に入るつもりですか?)
  • Are you going to buy a car sometime soon?(そのうち車を買う予定ですか?)
  • Are you going to leave Japan tomorrow?(明日、日本を発つ予定ですか?)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 英文法
  • 時制