
Using the Past Continuous Tense
過去進行形は「過去のどこか一時期」にしている最中だったことを表現したいときに使います。 過去という時間はいくらでもありますが、どこかある時点を指して表現します。 他にも「stop」といった「〜するのを止める」という表現を使う場合、過去進行形だとまだ止まりきっていません。 状態を表すケースで過去進行形を使うと「〜しかけている」という意味合いが含まれるようになります。 【回答例】 I was coughing all night. 私は一晩中咳をしていました The rain was stopping. 雨は止みかけているところだった
Please use the past continuous tense.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use the past continuous tense.

I was coughing all night.
The rain was stopping.
I was traveling around Europe.
I was listening to music at 8 o'clock last night.


I was coughing all night.
The rain was stopping.
I was traveling around Europe.
I was listening to music at 8 o'clock last night.

1. This is just an alternative expression, "Around 8 pm I was listening to music."
That was a great start! You have written good sentences making use of the past continuous tense.
Please write some more.

Were you calling to me? I'm sorry, I left my seat a little. Someone is starting the computer in your office.


Were you calling    me? I'm sorry, I left my seat a little. Someone is starting the computer in your office.

1. This preposition was unnecessary here as it is used to indicate motion towards a certain direction.
Well done! You are doing well. The correction teacher will correct you on any errors you might have made.
Please continue.

I was thinking of my business plan that I will be doing my English job from next year, last night. I was watching TV program for comedy when I was a child.


Last night, I was thinking that working as an English teacher is my business plan for next year. I watched comedy TV shows when I was a child.

1 and 2. Your original choice of words failed to express your idea clearly, consider making use of these words instead.
  • listen to~(~を聞く)
  • teach(教える)
  • was(were) ~ing(〜していた)
  • talk with~(〜と話す)
  • travel(旅行する)
  • I was listening to music at 8 o'clock last night.(私は昨夜8時は音楽を聞いていました。)
  • Were you talking with Yui earlier?(さっきユイと話してた?)
  • She was teaching English to her students.(彼女は生徒に英語を教えていました。)
  • I was traveling around Europe.(私はヨーロッパを旅行していました。)
  • Was she studying English last night?(彼女は昨夜、英語を勉強していましたか?)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 英文法
  • 時制