
The There+be Sentence Structure
There be構文は、thereではなく後ろの名詞によってbeの形が決まる、一見ユニークな構文です。 考え方として、Thereは主語ではなく導入。後ろの名詞が意味上の主語なのです。 There is a dog. 犬がいる There are dogs. 犬が(何匹も)いる といった感じです。基本的に、それまで話題にあがらなかったこと/ものを初めて話したいときに使われることが多いです。
Please use the "There+be" sentence structure.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use the "There+be" sentence structure.

I got it.
There are 4 dogs in the dog space that is nearby my house.
There was a big event in my city last week.
There are a newspaper and two controllers on a table.
There is a television in my living room.


I got it.
There are 4 dogs in the dog space   nearby my house.
There was a big event in my city last week.
There are a newspaper and two controllers on a table.
There is a television in my living room.

1. 'That is' is redundant here.
Good job on writing your sentence examples. Would you like to write more sentences using the there-be structure?

Okay. I'll make more sentences.
There were good points of views in your presentation that you used previous meeting.
There is a position suitable for you.
What do you think about my there-be sentences?


Okay. I'll make more sentences.
There were good points of views in your presentation that you used in the previous meeting.
There is a position suitable for you.
What do you think about my there-be sentences?

1. Preposition 'in' is needed here. Definite article is needed here since you're talking about a specific meeting, the previous one.
You are doing a good job. Please continue with your exercise and I will be here in case you need me.

I think the there-be sentence structure is one of the basic ones in English. I learned it when I was a junior high school student.
There is another expression same as the there-be sentence structure.
There are some expressions same as the there-be sentence structure.


I think the there-be sentence structure is one of the basics in English. I learned it when I was a junior high school student.
There is another expression similar to the there-be sentence structure.
There are some expressions similar to the there-be sentence structure.

1. It is better to use noun form, 'basics' means it is considered one of the fundamental aspects in English
2,3. This is a better word choice, like it.
The he sentence structure of “there be” is a grammatical construction in English that is used to talk about the existence of something or someone in a particular place or situation. It is also used to describe a state or condition.

Thank you for sharing the grammatical meaning of the there-be sentence structure. How can I use it for describing a state or contion?
There will be a partty tonight.
Is this sentence for describing a state?


Thank you for sharing the grammatical meaning of the there-be sentence structure. How can I use it for describing a state or condition?
There will be a party tonight.
Is this sentence used for describing a state?

1,2. This is the correct spelling.
3. This was added for better expression.
Yes, you have used there + be correctly. Please continue with your exercise. The correction teacher will make the necessary corrections.

Thank you very much. I'll continue to make there-be sentences for a little while.
There is a plastic bottle on my desk.
There are two displays on my desk.


Thank you very much. I'll continue to make there-be sentences for a little while.
There is a plastic bottle on my desk.
There are two displays on my desk.

1. Alternative expression: I'll make a few more 'there-be' sentences.
  • There is ~ (単数).(〜がある。)
  • Is there ~(単数)?(〜はありますか?)
  • There are ~(複数).(〜がある。)
  • There was~(単数).(〜がありました。)
  • There were ~(複数).(〜がありました。)
  • There is a pen on the desk.(机の上にペンがあります。)
  • Is there any water in the bottle?(ボトルの中に水は入っていますか?)
  • There are many people in the station.(その駅の中にはたくさんの人がいます。)
  • Once upon a time there was a temple here.(昔ここには寺がありました。)
  • There were some boys in the park.(その公園には何人かの男の子達がいました。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 英文法
  • 動詞と文型