
Subject + Verb + Object + Complement Form
SVOCはSVO文型に、目的語(O)を説明する補語(C)が後ろに追加された形です。 語数が増えてきて少し厄介に感じるかもしれませんが、難しく考えなくて大丈夫です。 よく使われる表現方法には、 ・make + O + C ーOをCにする (keep, get, leaveなど) ・think + O + C ーOをCだと思う (find, consider, believeなど)があります。 他にも気楽に使える表現があります。回答例でも確認してみましょう。 【回答例】 He calls me Jim. ー彼は僕のことをジムって呼ぶんだ。
Please use a subject, verb, object, and complement form.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use a subject, verb, object, and complement form.

I'll try some. We have to leave this shipment cool while it is shipping. The customer can choose the best way to ship.


I'll try some. We have to keep this shipment cool while it is shipping. The customer can choose the best way to ship the product.

1. This is a more natural verb choice - "keep" means to cause to continue in a specified condition, position, course, etc.
2. You need an object here to emphasize what is being shipped.
Okay, that's good. Would you like to continue sharing some more examples? I will be here if you have any requests.

With the advent of the Internet, we have come to communicate with people who live in foreign countries simultaneously. It has made our world bigger.


With the advent of the Internet, we became able to communicate with people who live in foreign countries simultaneously. It has made our world bigger.

1. Both versions are fine, but this word choice is a bit more natural - We use "be able to" to express ability.
You are right. The internet has created such opportunities for us. Please continue sharing some more.

I left my colleagues busy with many tasks.


I left my colleagues busy with many tasks.

1. Another way of saying the same thing here is "I've been keeping my colleagues busy with many tasks".
Okay, that's good. What kind of tasks were they working on? Please continue sharing some more examples.

I had them hard to make a final report to submit client by tomorrow morning.


I had them working hard to make a final report to submit to our client by tomorrow morning.

1. You need a gerund here to complete the phrase "have (someone) do (something)".
2. You need the preposition "to" after the verb "submit".
3. You should emphasize you're talking about your client.
  • make + O + C(OをCにする)
  • call + O + C(OをCと呼ぶ)
  • believe + O + C(OをCと信じる)
  • choose + O + C(OをCに選ぶ)
  • leave + O + C(OをCのままにしておく)
  • You should keep your room clean.(あなたはあなたの部屋を綺麗にしておくべきだ。)
  • My mother is getting dinner ready.(私の母親は夕食の支度をしている。)
  • They named their baby Tom.(彼らは彼らの赤ちゃんをトムと名付けた。)
  • I found the movie fun.(私はその映画が面白いとわかった。)
  • He left her alone.(彼は彼女をひとりぼっちにした。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 英文法
  • 動詞と文型