
Subject, verb, indirect object, direct object Form
SVOOは動詞の後ろに目的語が2つ加わった形になります。 基本的なコンセプトはなにかをあげたり、渡したりするということ。 必ず「前の目的語」に対して「後の目的語」を与えるという形になります。 具体的なものから、目には見えないものまで目的語にできます。 【回答例】 He gave me a chocolate. 彼はチョコレートをくれた She sang me a nice song. 彼女は素敵な歌を歌ってくれた
Please use a "Subject, verb, indirect object, direct object" form.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use a "Subject, verb, indirect object, direct object" form.

Let's try it. I made my boss a sales report. I bought myself some cosmetics. In my first sentence, can it mean "I made a report due to a duty my boss gave"? The second one can mean "I bought some cosmetics to reward myself"? How do you understand these sentences?


Let's try it. I made my boss a sales report. I bought myself some cosmetics. In my first sentence, can it say "I made a report due to a task my boss gave me"? Can I say "I bought some cosmetics to reward myself" in the second one? How do you understand these sentences?

1. Use this verb when you mean "utter words so as to convey information, an opinion, a feeling or intention, or an instruction".
2. Use this noun here as an alternative.
3. Add this pronoun here to indicate the person you are referring to.
4. I had to rephrase this whole sentence since the original sentence was quite hard to understand.
Yes, it sounds like you are rewarding yourself with cosmetics and you are doing something that your boss asked.

Thank you.


Thank you.

1. You can also say "thanks a lot" here.
It's my pleasure. Please feel free to add more sentences and make examples. The correction teacher will then correct you.

Noted, I have nothing to add.


Noted, I have nothing to add.

1. You can use the expression "I understand" here as an alternative.
  • buy(買う)
  • make(作る)
  • teach(教える)
  • get(手に入れる)
  • give(与える)
  • He showed me a picture of his dog.(彼は私に彼の犬の写真を見せてくれた。)
  • He bought me a nice watch.(彼は私に素敵な時計を買ってくれた。)
  • The teacher teaches us English.(その先生は私たちに英語を教える。)
  • She told me the truth.(彼女は真実を話してくれた。)
  • She made her children a cake.(彼女は彼女の子供達にケーキを作ってあげた。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 英文法
  • 動詞と文型